Who is Maria Esposito, Rosa Ricci di Mare Fuori: age, career, personal life

sea ​​outlet it’s always one of the most popular pieces of fiction, and now we’re talking about it again, given the fourth season, which will be airing in the new year. Actors always enjoy great success, especially Maria Esposito as Rosa Ricci. Here’s everything you need to know about her.


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Who is Maria Esposito, Rosa Ricci di Mare Fuori? Biography and career

Maria Esposito is a young Italian actress. made famous by the series Mare Fuori, broadcast on Rai 2 and RaiPlay. Maria was born in Naples on November 10, 2003. She has always had a passion for acting and attended Neapolitan Acting Academywhere he took lessons in oratory and acting from a teacher Pier Violante. Her small screen debut came in 2021 when she joined the cast of the feature film Mare Fuori, which takes place in a juvenile correctional facility. Maria plays the role of Rosa Ricci, the younger sister Cyrus and Peter, two brothers who participated in the Camorra. Rosa volunteers to be arrested to avenge the death of Ciro, who was killed in the first season, and falls in love with him. Carmen another prisoner. Thanks to the success of Mare Fuori, Maria got the opportunity to participate in the Sanremo 2023 festival, where she sang along with other actors of the series. song “O Mar For”, soundtrack to fiction. Maria also walked the red carpet of the Venice Film Festival, where she showed off an elegant black dress.

Private life and curiosities about Maria Esposito

As for his personal life, Maria is engaged to Antonio Oreficeanother Neapolitan actor who starred in Sea outside and in Gomorrah. They met on the set of the series and have been inseparable ever since. Maria is very active on social media where she has over 200,000 Instagram followers. On his profile, he often shares photos and video of his daily life, his work projects and his hobbies. Among them are tattoos, of which Maria has several on her body.

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