Who is Shiloh Pitt, daughter of Brad and Angelina

Born in 2006, modern and daughter of art, Shiloh Pitt is the first child born from the relationship between Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt after the adoptions of Chivan Maddox and Zahara Marley. Features inherited from her mother, colors taken from her father and raised between Africa and the United States, in a short time the girl made her debut in the world of cinema at just two years old.

However, his future does not seem marked and seems divided between acting and music, like the passion for the MÃ¥neskin and choreographies on social media demonstrate.

The origins of Shiloh Pitt’s name

Curiosities about Shiloh Pitt start directly from first name. According to an interview by her mother, in fact, the decision to give the eldest daughter of the famous couple this particular name derives from the desire to pay homage to an unborn sister.

A few years before giving birth to Angelina, Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand were expecting another baby girl who was to be called Shiloh Baptist. However, due to a miscarriage, the future parents had to give up on the dream and wait a long time for Jolie to arrive.

Aware of the pain felt by her grandparents and the regret of never having had an older sister, the actress therefore decided to name her daughter in the same way, with the desire to heal a still open family wound.

shiloh pitt

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Shiloh Pitt wanted to be called John or Peter

For a long time after his birth, Shiloh Pitt she declared that she did not feel represented by the female gender. Precisely for this reason, when she was only two years old, she had asked her parents to be called John or Peter. Is Brad Pitt is Angelina Jolie they immediately accepted their daughter’s precocious request, openly recounting how her desire to be recognized as a male had never been a problem.

Even the Shiloh Pitt look he therefore followed the perception that the girl had of herself. For years she has indeed been photographed with short hair And men’s clothes. At the presentation of the film EternalsHowever, she stunned the audience with a red dress already sported by her mother on the occasion of Oscars of 2014, making the similarity between the two even more evident. Her desire is therefore to feel free and not have to correspond to the expectations that the world has of her.

Shiloh Pitt’s film debut at the age of two

Consider the profession and fame of the parents, the Shiloh Pitt debut in the world of cinema it could only be precocious. At the age of only two years, in fact, the little girl made her first appearance on the big screen by acting right alongside her father in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The character for which she was hired was Caroline, daughter of the protagonist and Daisy.

In the following years there was no lack of further contacts between the girl and film productions. In 2014, for example, she was asked to act with her mother in Maleficent. Shiloh Pitt decided to refuse and the contract was then signed by her younger sister Vivienne. More recently, however, she has lent her voice to the character Shuai Shuai of Kung Fu Panda 3.

mother and daughter

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Shiloh Pitt: a future as an actress or a dancer?

As it should be at his age, the fate of Shiloh Pitt still seems to be written. If it is difficult to imagine that the girl will not make further connections with the cinemahowever, it seems that one of his greatest passions is the dance.

A few months ago, in fact, it circulated a video which portrayed her in the company of her mother at a concert of the Maneskin. Several Tik Tok profiles and many YouTube channels then populated with content in which the girl goes wild on hip-hop choreographies. For some time, however, Shiloh Pitt is enrolled in the school Millennium Dance Complex: an academy from which, among others, artists such as Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry And Britney Spears.

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