who won between Light in Your Eyes 2 and Wonder with Julia Roberts

On Rai 1, the airing of the film Wonder with Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson attracted the attention of the public. Also good ratings for Rai 2, with the season finale of Rocco Schiavone. The most watched program of the evening, however, is the appointment with Light of your eyes 2, on Canale 5.

On Wednesday 19 April, the most watched program by Italians in prime time was the episode of Light of your Eyes 2which led 2,668,000 viewers on Canale 5, equal to 16.3% share. Fiction, with Anna Valle and Giuseppe Zeno in the role of Emma Conti and Enrico Leoni, it is one of the contents that has most captivated the public of the Mediaset schedule and is confirmed as such after an already successful first season in terms of ratings.

Rocco Schiavone closes the fifth season well

On Rai 1 the public’s attention was attracted by the broadcast of the film Wonder with Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson and Jacob Trembay, which tells the story of August Pullman, a child born with a rare disease who had to undergo various surgeries and experiencing difficulties in entering school. The film was followed by 1,759,000 spectators equal to 10.3%. Also good ratings for Rai 2, which aired the final by Rocco Schiavone. The fiction, with Marco Giallini as the protagonist, scored 1,793,000 spectators pari with a 10.1% share. Now in its fifth season, the fiction will officially return next year with the sixth cycle of TV appointments.

The ratings on the rest of the generalist networks

On the rest of the general networks, in the early evening of Wednesday 19 April, Italia 1 con Doctor Strange entertained 1,217,000 spectators with 6.9%. On Rai3 Who has seen? gathered 1,910,000 spectators in front of the video, equal to a share of 11.8%. On Network4 Upstream Early Evening it totals an am of 478,000 spectators with a 3.5% share. On A7 Atlantis recorded 571,000 spectators with a share of 4.3%. On Tv8 Way Down – Heist the Bank of Spain scores 344,000 spectators with 2%. On the Nine Never United States it gathered 388,000 spectators with 2.2%.

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