Why does smoking cause stomach pain?

If you smoke and drink regularly, you’re bound to experience stomach aches and even changes in your digestive system. Experts are convinced that this habit is directly related to the functioning of the body.

Indigestion, gastroesophageal reflux, and cancer may cause stomach upset and increase the risk of dehydration, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Abdominal pain can occur in the area between the chest and groin and is often the result of constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies or intolerances. In order to determine the exact cause and receive appropriate treatment, it is recommended to consult a health professional.

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Why does smoking cause stomach pain?

According to the professional portal “Eurofarma.com”, one of the reasons why smoking causes stomach pain is because cigarette smoke contains harmful substances that affect digestion and can cause indigestion.

Likewise, alcohol can cause heartburn by irritating the stomach lining and increasing stomach acid production. If you have a history of gastritis, your symptoms may worsen.

How to prevent this discomfort?

Furthermore, an article on the aforementioned portal highlights that dehydration can cause digestive difficulties and may lead to an upset stomach. Therefore, staying hydrated is very important for efficient digestive function.

It is also recommended to avoid lying down immediately after eating, as this can cause acid reflux and worsen heartburn. It is recommended to wait a few hours before going to bed and sleep at an incline of about 30 degrees, using pillows to keep your head, neck and upper chest elevated.

Don’t Stop Reading: Natural Remedies to Avoid Stomach Pain

In short, excessive smoking and drinking can cause stomach pain and other gastrointestinal problems. It is recommended to avoid these harmful habits and consult a doctor if you experience persistent abdominal discomfort. Additionally, it is recommended to stay well hydrated, wait some time after meals before going to bed, and consider consuming ginger as a natural remedy for relieving stomach symptoms.

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