Why LeBron James Will Be Under More Pressure To Be The Best Player In The NBA Than Michael Jordan

Few dare to argue over who deserves to be considered the best player of all time NBAa place that is actually insured Michael Jordan Thanks to the six championship rings he won in his career chicago bulls That number surpassed even the four championships won by LeBron James in the 1990s.

However, the power forward los angeles lakers According to ESPN analysts, he had to deal with more complex situations than Jordan experienced as a player, Shannon SharpJames is exposed to the public scrutiny, which leaves him vulnerable 24 hours a day.

Like any great star in any sport today, LeBron James is always in the eye of the hurricane because of the cell phone cameras of fans around him, no matter what he does, they will always be watching him for any oversights. Shared on social networks, this is a reality that Jordan never faced due to the nature of the times he lived in.

LeBron James, the face of the Los Angeles Lakers

Instagram: @kingjames

We don’t have to discuss who is the better player, we’ll discuss it another day We’re talking about the scrutiny LeBron has to go through. Because there’s no social media, and Rich Paul (LeBron James’ manager) is absolutely right, we don’t have ideas 24/7/365.and what What the Internet has done is turn ordinary people into head coaches.among general managers, scouts, pro athletes, all these things, so now they can have a say,” Sharpe said.

LeBron James criticized and compared on social networks

The analyst highlighted the media pressure on LeBron to perform on the court, that no matter what the ball at his feet does, the opinions expressed on social networks will always compare him to other players or demean him. Success, which Michael Jordan never faced.

“Michael Jordan would score 50, but they never said, “Okay, Larry (Bird) is going to score 65.” But if LeBron puts you in a triple-double, they’re like, ‘Kobe, Jordan’s going to score 76,'” he said.

But in addition to the pressure on the court, James must also maintain a good image off the court. With his body, it is not easy to go out to a restaurant with hundreds of eyes watching him. Having a camera in your hand didn’t exist in the 1990s.

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Martin Mena

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