Why smoking in cars can harm children’s health, even when they’re not there

When children ride in smoking cars, they are exposed to second-hand smoke.So-called third-hand smoke also affects people’s ability to travel/document again if they smoke while their children are away

when a person ride in a smoker’s car It’s not just exposure to the tobacco smoke you consume during your presence.It is also exposed to Third-hand smoke (known as THS Its English abbreviation) is a substance attached to the interior surface of the car.

third hand smoke it’s a serious risk For the health of non-smokers, especially for children, according to a recent scientific work.A group of researchers from Europe and USA Find out what to expect in a smoking car. The analysis was conducted with participants from the following countries: U.K. And Spain, Coordinated Barcelona Public Health Agencyin Spain, and published in the journal environmental studies.

A total of 15 cars from Spain and 30 cars from the United Kingdom participated in the work. 20 drivers did not smoke, 15 drivers did not smoke in the car, and 10 drivers smoked. By taking samples from the cars, the researchers were able to measure specific markers of thirdhand smoke and found extremely high concentrations of these substances in the cars of indoor smokers.

Children exposed to secondhand and thirdhand smoke are at greater risk for health problems like asthma, ear infections, pneumonia /document

In the vehicles of smokers who smoked in the car, the median air-borne nicotine measured during the journey alone was 21.44 micrograms per cubic meter. In other words, they detected levels of thirdhand smoke that were six times higher than those found in smoke-free cars.

After receiving the measurement results, Esteve Fernandezteam leader Tobacco Control Unit of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) and One of the co-authors, along with other researchers, emphasized that “smoking in cars should be banned” to effectively protect children from tobacco smoke.

“Thirdhand smoke in the automotive microenvironment is an additional risk for both smoking and nonsmoking occupants, especially for children,” the paper’s authors wrote.

A study in Spain and the United Kingdom found extremely high levels of thirdhand smoke in the cars of indoor smokers.They can be accumulated/archived for long periods of time

They clarify that the study “adds to the evidence that smokers’ cars are reservoirs of tobacco smoke pollutants. Of particular importance in terms of health risks are tobacco-specific nitrous amine concentrations were elevated, and we report the presence of tobacco-specific nitrosamine concentrations in cars consumed in-vehicle by smokers.”

In their work, the researchers found that pollutants were also present in the cars of non-smokers and smokers who did not smoke in their cars. They clarified that three of the cars were purchased between nine months and four years before sampling from drivers who smoked and that third-hand smoke can linger on surfaces for a long time.

in accordance with Ana Navas AsionOpening car windows is not enough to end third-party smog Mano: “A car is a very small space where smoking can pollute air pollution,” says co-author and researcher in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. Concentrated air, people are less likely to avoid breathing air that contains as many as 50 carcinogens. Opening windows doesn’t help because the air can’t get out and these toxins can’t be eliminated.”

Scientists measure concentrations of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in cars (Getty)

“I agree with the researchers that smoking in cars should be banned as a safeguard for children. Thirdhand smoke can linger in car interiors and other components for a long time.” database Anna BaranzatePediatric Pulmonologist, Former Doctor clinic hospital “Jose de San Martin” University of Buenos Aires.

according to Smog Research Consortium Founded in California, USA, Third-Hand has a few pieces of advice adults should keep in mind.

Children should travel in vehicles that are 100% smoke-free. “Smoking in vehicles is not permitted at any time, and do not allow your children to ride with anyone who allows smoking in a vehicle,” the coalition states.

Ventilating the interior of a car or cleaning it hard won’t remove chemicals left behind from tobacco use, US experts warn (Getty Images)

“If you buy a used car, be sure to ask if the previous owner smoked. Thirdhand smoke in a car is nearly impossible to get rid of. Unfortunately, once it’s built up in a car, it’s virtually impossible to get rid of it. Even a strong Cleaning also won’t remove toxic chemicals from cars,” warns the scientist.

this American Academy of Pediatrics It is recommended to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke in the presence and absence of all children. Children exposed to thirdhand smoke at home are more likely to develop ear infections, frequent illnesses, asthma and pneumonia.

“Preventing exposure means Do not allow anyone to smoke in your home or car. Also, ask caregivers or family members to be aware of and respect your rules about not smoking or vaping around your child. People often assume that smoking is safe if you change clothes or smoke outside. The best and only way to completely avoid inhaling secondhand smoke is to quit or not start smoking,” the academy said.

continue reading:

Another Source of Childhood Lead Exposure: Secondhand Smoke
Thirdhand smoke from tobacco use: persists longer than thought, harms human health
Smoking outdoors does not protect children from tobacco smoke

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