Why this isn’t just an aesthetic issue

More than 90% of adult women suffer from cellulite. There are many treatments: Electrodes, laser, mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage, radiofrequency, retinol cream…

In many cases, these methods are used in combination with more or less effective results. However, None are completely permanent The orange peel always comes back.

Part of the reason is that the pathophysiology of cellulite is unclear, that is, what are the pathophysiological mechanisms of cellulite? Processes and mechanisms in the body causing this imbalance.

However, Things can change even in the short termthanks to a study published in the professional journal Obesity Reviews.

The work was presented by Ilja Kruglikov from Germany and Philipp Scherer, Director of the Art Center. Touchstone Diabetes Center at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

Scherer, of Swiss descent, He has worked in the field of adipose tissue for over thirty years. (i.e. fat) and is considered a world authority on the subject.

In fact, as early as 1995 The hormone adiponectin was discoveredwhich regulates glucose levels and the breakdown of fatty acids.

a complex question

article, Pathophysiology of cellulite: possible involvement of selective endotoxemia,propose a new approach Learn about the causes of cellulite.

something that links it to the selective accumulation of substances in the body called endogenous lipopolysaccharides Adipose tissue Glute-femoral target.

That is, not only the tail, but also the belly and buttocks areas.

Cellulite alters dermal structure: Photo illustration: Shutterstock.

Although various hypotheses about its mechanism have been proposed over the years, according to the article, “None of these proposed mechanisms can explain morphological changes It is more pronounced in skin with cellulite, a pronounced protrusion of subdermal fatty tissue.

So why is this common phenomenon so difficult to solve?The answer is that this is a complex, multi-cause problem that can be defined as Dermal structural disorder and associated subcutaneous tissue.

Fat itself is not the main cause.that’s why Invasive treatments aimed at removing fat don’t work They can cause more damage than they solve.

Among the factors that cause cellulite, In addition to a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits -can be controlled-, and there are others that cannot be changed, such as skin structure, genetics, hormones and age.

This is why women with a normal or low body mass index (BMI) (i.e., thin women) can also develop cellulite.

Beyond aesthetics

To better understand the significance of this finding, May lead to more effective treatments, live Interviewed Gustavo Leibaschoff, an Argentinian gynecologist who has lived in Dallas, USA, for more than 20 years and worked with Scherer.

In fact, it could be argued that this prompted Scherer to address the issue (“I put the cellulite issue at the back of his mind,” the Argentinian said).

“This study shows us for the first time how the disease evolves, starting with changes in the subcutaneous fat tissue due to the appearance of enzymes,” Lebashov said. They destroy proteins necessary for skin structure. The destruction of this protein creates hypertrophic fatty tissue that protrudes into the skin. at the same time, The body responds to an increase in the size of fat tissue It attempts to contain it by producing collagen fibers. “

“But it doesn’t end there,” he adds. “The entire metabolism of the adipose tissue changes, causing greater inflammation, which in turn creates a more fibrotic collagen response, Going back and forth ultimately damages tissue oxygenation and nutrition, which leads to an increase in free radicals. “

With cellulite, the entire metabolism of fat tissue is disrupted. An inflammatory reaction may occur, which may even reach the liver and damage liver function.

At the same time, just because it’s an aesthetic problem doesn’t mean cellulite doesn’t pose a health threat. Leibaschoff continued: “The various changes resulting from the pathophysiology of cellulite include Changes in Gut Microbiota, which causes derivatives of Gram-negative bacteria to enter adipose tissue and generate more inflammatory responses. But this time this inflammatory reaction reaches the liver and damages liver function, that is, This is a problem that must be solved. Because it in turn causes changes in the liver and the entire body. “

The secret is in the order

What specific implications does this finding have for the management of cellulite? Lebashov said this is not about seeking revolutionary treatments, but rather first abandoning methods that science has proven are not only ineffective, but ineffective. may cause collateral damage It is a shame that.

“Doctors must be told that there is no point in destroying fat cells; instead, we must protect them and Restore your physiological functions“We have to do biostimulation and bioregenerative treatments for the normal functioning of adipose tissue, its microcirculation and overall metabolism.”

Second, according to Leibaschoff, the secret to successful cellulite treatment isn’t developing miraculous or miraculous curebut make judicious use of already existing procedures: “Even in Argentina these procedures exist, the fundamental question is how to sequence them, because a sequence of actions is needed. The basis of treatment consists of biostimulant precursors, Platelet Rich Plasma, Adult Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Diet Increased Real Omega 3, Use of Subcutaneous Carboxytherapy. Then there are low-frequency, low-intensity ultrasound devices that produce a transstimulatory effect on the fat cell membrane and extracellular matrix. “

Concerns about cellulite may be nothing more than a symptom of society’s over-focus on external aesthetic values, while at the same time Reflection of patriarchal stereotypes Women are treated as objects. However, this does not mean that it has specific negative effects.

An article by plastic surgeon AllenGabriel, published by Medical Journal, June 2023 Oxford University Press,emphasize”Cellulite linked to serious negative psychosocial impacts. Body dissatisfaction, psychological distress, anxiety, and reduced quality of life are very common among women with cellulite. “

In this sense, the works of Scheler, Kruglikov or Lebashov represent a move towards Better overall quality of lifewhich is no small achievement.

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