“Wild stop, buses blocked. Volatile Concert»

vehicles parked on the sidewalk or in front of home entrances or at pedestrian crossings, thus blocking the passage of people or parents with children in wheelchairs. Other cars – this time from city car sharing – were left on the lawn of Treno Park for 48 hours. It’s still: ATM buses stranded in traffic; subway station closed For security reasons and congested roads. But Garbage left in green areasFilled cans, garbage in the middle of the road.

There Concert season in Milan – notably held in the highly competitive triangle between the Mezza Stadium, the snug San Siro Gallop Racecourse and La Moura – a left section of dispute which will reach in the next few hours directly to the desks of the mayors of the major cities of the world that are part of C40, a global network of 100 First Citizens Come together to fight the climate emergency. Because – the Milan-West in the La Moura area condemns the coordination to protect the urban green belt of the park – the first disadvantage of music festivals is the environment, especially on the site of the racecourse where Milan wanted to build its new stadium.

For this reason, the coordination made by citizens living in the neighborhood produced a dossier, which was sent on Friday afternoon to the C40 cities: this is a Full report with nearly a hundred documents including photos and videos, «What we wanted to document – ​​explain the spokespersons of the coordination, Caterina Carati and Massimiliano Favotti – is the invasion that we residents have suffered on the occasion of the various concerts organized.

especially on the evening of last July 15, when everyone‘La Moura Hippodrome they played Arctic Monkeys Acclaimed by 65,000 spectators at the San Siro, not so far away, at the same time, in front of 35,000 people, iron Maiden, For example, lyricist Eugene Finardi — who lives in the area — posted a video of his home on Facebook showing the chandelier shaking as 80,000 people jumped during the concert. travis scott at the San Siro gallop racetrack.

A situation that is “intolerable” for the residents of the area and for which the municipality’s resolution that limits the decibels and limits the number of concerts in that area for next year’s summer season is “not enough. Preventing many live performances at the same time is not enough, you also need audience limits. We want – add Carati and Favotti – that the administration reduce limit on the number of people Which can take part in music festivals, as in other European cities. In Berlin, for example, there are four dates for the same singer, but not exceeding a limit of 20,000 people per evening. Well, for us with 20,000 spectators for each venue and without shows at the same time, it is reasonable for us. Another solution that the coordination sala junta would like to consider is the possibility of Find other live sites. “For example – he suggests – the Roe Fair area would be very suitable”.

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