Will I give my baby antibiotics? He caught a cold…

This is a question I am often asked in pediatric consultations.

the answer is No.

We’ll explain why.

¿That yes Iarrive influenza?

Influenza is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus Virus.

The virus is characterized by its high transmissibility and contagiousness, as it is easily spread from one person to another through saliva droplets expelled when talking, coughing or sneezing.

Contact with contaminated hands or objects is also thought to be a way this infection is spread.

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There is no cure for the influenza virus.

Treatment is symptomatic and focuses on improving and alleviating the symptoms caused by this disease.

The recommendations noted were:

  • I rest I rest
  • drink lots of fluids
  • Avoid drinking alcohol or smoking
  • Taking medicines to improve flu symptoms (such as fever-reducing medicines)

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Despite being a very frequent disease, many tips and advice emerge every day on what to do and what not to do to prevent the spread of this viral disease that affects us all, especially children.

We will describe some misconceptions about the flu.

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FarriveISW. Since the flu is caused by a virus, antibiotics are not effective.

Only medications can be used to reduce fever and relieve general discomfort.

Hydration is the most important thing in treating influenza in children.

We must ensure that children drink fluids regularly.

Of course, they also need rest.

In addition, the indiscriminate and unnecessary use of antibiotics can increase bacterial resistance.

This is very dangerous.

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FarriveISW. It is necessary to differentiate based on the age of the child, since not all children show the same symptoms as adults.

In young children, the symptoms of the flu may be less obvious, with symptoms including unexplained fever, lethargy, or loss of appetite.

In older children, symptoms are similar to adults: fever, cough, stuffy nose, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea.

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real. Influenza viruses alter defense barriers and allow simultaneous infection by other viruses and bacteria.

We must also consider the opposite: children with viral illnesses are more susceptible to influenza because their immune barriers are more immature.

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real. Influenza is a disease that causes loss of immunity.

When a child is infected with one flu virus, he develops immunity to that virus, but his immune memory also grows from other flu viruses he has been infected with.

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FarriveISW. There is no such thing as a “badly cured” flu.

Since there is no drug that can “cure” the flu, there can be no “bad flu.”

The flu can cause complications, sometimes mild and sometimes serious.

The most common complication in children is an ear infection (otitis media), but more serious cases may occur, including pneumonia, encephalitis, or kidney failure.

These serious complications are rare if there is no previous disease.

We fight the symptoms caused by the flu to feel better, not to “cure” the flu itself.

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CYoEttore. This is the most important measure to prevent respiratory infections in adults and children.

If you follow this simple hygiene measure, the risk of infection is greatly reduced.

It’s also important for children to cover their coughs or sneezes with their arms.

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FarriveISW. Milk and its derivatives do not cause more phlegm or mucus.

Phlegm is not directly related to the intake of milk or its derivatives.

Breastfeeding should continue in the usual way.

If your child has a lot of phlegm, he or her pediatrician should be consulted to help relieve this annoying symptom.

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FarriveISW. The flu is not a bad cold, nor is it a severe cold.

The two diseases are completely different and so are their treatments.


Office: Jr. Independencia Block 7 (Zaragoza) Moyobamba
Note: Monday to Friday: 9:30 am. to 12:30 noon
Afternoon: 4pm to 7pm.
Contact number: 999 962 366
Fan Page: Dr. Héctor Pereda Serna – Pediatrician
Reservation mobile phone: 933 839 979

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