Will Smith Reveals How Steven Spielberg Convinced Him to Star in ‘Men in Black’

During a conversation Will Smith expressed all his gratitude James Lassiter. A film producer, he explains, convinced him to make ten films that made him famous.

“I didn’t want to do The pursuit of happinessI didn’t want to do Wingsremembers Smith. However, both films earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor.

But what surprised me the most was the story of Men in Black.

Will Smith Men in Black

At some point the turn came Men in Black. A film that didn’t convince him too much at first. This was a year after independence Day, and Will Smith didn’t want to make two films about aliens back-to-back. What made him change his mind? Definite Steven Spielberg.

“Spielberg sent me a helicopter to talk,” he said. “I landed at his house.” Here the director (who appeared among the producers of the film) asked him why he did not want to do this. “He treated me to lemonade: it was the first time I drank it. lemonade with sparkling waterremembers Smith. “Then he asked me: “Why don’t you want to make a film …”, leaving the ellipsis. I knew that if he continued, he would say: “You know, I Shark, True? you know what i did ET?'”. At that moment, it was impossible to refuse.

Will Smith The pursuit of happiness

As for the role Chris Gardner no one The pursuit of happiness, there was no helicopter, no soda. Rather, the script and the meeting with the real Chris Gardner convinced him. “There is something special about people who have suffered and overcome hardships. Chris Gardner is one of those people,” he explained. Gardner took Smith to an Oakland bathroom where he was forced to sleep with his son. Living in that moment, the actor knew he had to make a film. Also because, according to him, people like Gardner understood things in life that others, more fortunate, are not able to see.

The interview continued with me Will Smith’s Future Projects. Currently, the actor is at the stage of his career when he can afford to work not for money, but to grow, meet people, develop. Prior to the strike, SAG-AFTRA returned to work on a number of projects, including Bad Boys 4 and remake One ticket for two. Sort of a resurgence, after slapping Chris Rock, suspending the Academy, and (very) quietly exiting Emancipation – Beyond Freedom.



Oscar, the Academy is inadequate in the face of Will Smith’s slap

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