“With the coronavirus outbreak, we have lost respect for the flu, but we are now discovering that it is much more than a simple cold”

“With the coronavirus outbreak, we have lost respect for the flu, but we are now discovering that it is much more than a simple cold”Javier Vergaza

scale of pandemic coronavirus This may mean that we have lost our understanding of what it was like before the pandemic and its impact on health systems.It is reflection that makes Pilar Cebollero, Director of the Pulmonology Department, University Hospital of Navarra (HUN)which emphasizes that the importance of the flu is overly underestimated: “The coronavirus has had such an impact that it has made us lose respect for the flu. But the flu is a virus that has a level of severity and complications for some people , “We found this was not a simple cold.”

Cebolero noted, however, that this year’s respiratory virus season – in which influenza A virus predominates – “The situation is no worse than before the pandemic,” although he acknowledged that the intensity of the outbreak was very high.

Pilar Cebolero.

“Every season is different and this time it’s dominated by influenza A, which is more contagious. That means more people are infected, so there’s a more severe course and more hospital admissions, but that doesn’t mean It doesn’t mean it’s more serious,” explained the pulmonologist, stressing that there are three viruses circulating this year. – Influenza, covid-19 and respiratory syncytial virus –, greatly increasing the incidence rate. Under any circumstances, “There is no evidence that infection with two of these viruses at the same time means that the disease will be more severe.” And it’s not something that happens very often,” he noted.

Regarding the symptoms, he detailed that they are common. – Fever, cough, mucus, feeling unwell, etc. – “It is normal for it to last for 7 or 8 days, and even some residual symptoms may last longer.” “The ones we have to be particularly careful about are the elderly and vulnerable, they are the ones who come in the most, although there are some cases of younger people as well,” Cebolero said.

So he appealed to common sense: “If we have respiratory symptoms, if we are around vulnerable people or groups of people Just wear a mask and you’ll be fine. This is what protects us all. ”

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