Woman’s limbs amputated, all related to flu – Metro World News Brazil

Kristin Fox, a 42-year-old American, was hospitalized with a sore throat and flu symptoms in March 2020 at the height of the pandemic. She had no idea that day would change the rest of her life. The news was posted on the People website.

She had gone to the doctor the day before and was sent home with a flu prescription, but returned with a friend to find her health rapidly deteriorating. Hours later, he was admitted to the intensive care unit with bacterial pneumonia, which led to the failure of two lungs and two kidneys, and soon entered sepsis, in which the infection spread through the hair on the body and left two Organ failure.

To control the progression of the infection, she was placed in a deep coma, and when she agreed to have her legs amputated below two Joejos, her arms were also cut below two hats.

Doctors have warned her family that she could lose some fingers and both legs due to a lack of flushing from the drugs that keep her alive. “There’s nothing like me losing reality,” he said.

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Kirstin said she had a surreal experience when she fell into a coma after being hospitalized with severe flu, when she remembered the world was going through a global pandemic that had killed thousands and her body was Lost half its members. “Akodai has no arms and legs, just like a human, he has a mask, a shield, protective glasses,” he said. “From the first moment it happened, I realized that my life had changed forever.”

The mother-of-two was discharged from hospital and underwent 12 weeks of physiotherapy and was given leg protection. He said I learned to live without arms. “I had to overcome this because I had to be more than two children. “I had to fight this therapy and destroy it every day to be the person who needed it,” he said.

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