World Hepatitis Day: Recommendations for prevention

July 28 this year is to commemorate world hepatitis day, an important date for raising awareness of the importance of preventing the disease. The Morelos State Health Service (SSM) emphasizes that all types of hepatitis are preventable and that recommendations must be followed to avoid infection with the virus.

Mayela Hernández Juárez, SSM Coordinating Country Leader for HIV, AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and Hepatitis C, emphasized the need for proper hygiene, such as frequent use of soap Wash your hands with water, and eat clean food and pure water.

Prevention is key for all hepatitis variants: A, B, C, D and E. Health services provide safe, free disease testing, so people without rights can go to health centers to get information and complete vaccination programs,” declared Hernández Juárez.

In addition, experts have emphasized Use a condom during sex, as this also helps prevent the spread of the disease. It is also important to avoid sharing sharp objects that may be contaminated with the virus.

inside world hepatitis day he You should know that people who inject psychoactive substances are at higher risk for hepatitisIt is therefore crucial to provide them with information and support to prevent the spread of the disease.

In cases where blood transfusion is required, Traveling to a safe place and adhering to strict sanitation protocols is critical to ensure the procedure is safe and free of risk of infection..

Another proposal within the framework world hepatitis day is to ensure The person performing the tattoo or piercing has a professional qualification certificate or a health control cardwhich ensures that necessary measures are taken to prevent any possible infection.

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