World’s infectious disease elite gathers in Seville

Seville Mayor José Luis Sanz attended the opening ceremony of the biennial Seville Conference on Wednesday European Center for Infectious Diseases and World Health Organization Europe and Central Asia, until this Thursday at City Hall.It’s two tech days 160 health professionals from 56 countries will form Roundtables and Debates Committed to research and treatment to eradicate HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Seville is the first Spanish city to join the league Paris Declaration To eliminate these diseases. Furthermore, our city is an international reference for the research and treatment of these diseases.

“They are honored to have chosen Sevilla for this important meeting and I hope Exchange of experiences “These meetings, which will take place at the headquarters of the City Council, will help advance treatments and improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world,” Sanz said at the opening of the meetings. The mayor explained, “Municipality Seve Leah City Council is firmly committed to eradicating these infectious diseases that have caused and continue to cause immense suffering to people around the world.

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