You should keep away from pet plants as it is dangerous

Christmas begins today and many Colombian families have decorated their houses in bright red, with a tree, a manger and various plants hinting at the celebratory season.

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Poinsettias are one of the most commonly used plants in Christmas decorations and are characterized by their bright red color, making them the perfect combination to add the finishing touch to your decorations.

Pets face many risks during the Christmas period. If you are the owner of a four-legged friend, you should take precautions with this flower as it can be poisonous to your furry friend.

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What is the origin of this plant?

According to the “Nursery Tierra Negra” portal, in the world of plants, Commonly known as poinsettia, the poinsettia is native to Mexico and Central America. It germinates in mild climates and can reach a height of three meters.

According to an article published by National Geographic, the flower’s relationship with Christmas dates back to the 16th century, when Franciscan missionaries arrived in Mexico.

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In their country of origin, Europe, they used a plant called holly, which is not found on this side of the world, but when they saw the red and green colors of the poinsettia, “they knew they had the perfect substitute.” .”

Since then, the plant has become one of people’s favorite Christmas items.

Why is this plant toxic to pets?

Poinsettia is poisonous because of its high content Euphorbia, commonly known as sap, Its properties can become very dangerous if animals come into contact with or eat it.

The symptoms these plants can produce in pets are very dangerous and in very extreme cases they can cause the death of your animal, so it is recommended to avoid having them in your home or place them out of their reach..

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What are the worrisome symptoms of consuming this flower?

According to the Benevi Veterinary Clinic in Valencia, when dogs bite the flower, they exhibit Diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty passing food, inflammation of the mouth, throat, and pharynx, as well as tremors and conjunctivitis.

If large amounts are consumed, symptoms can escalate to excessive salivation, fatigue, multiple organ failure, and death. For cats, it doesn’t go to those extremes, but it can be very dangerous.

However, the risk isn’t limited to your pet eating it, it could also be at risk if it comes into contact with it. Touching the flower can cause dermatitis, eye discharge, corneal ulcers, and blindness in your four-legged friend.

If your pet is showing these signs and you have this Christmas flower in your room, It is recommended to immediately consult a professional veterinarian who knows how to treat this symptom.

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John Steven Guerrero

Digital Scope Editorial


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