Zendaya Is In Rome (Again), But Why?

Zendaya is in Italy, more precisely in Rome, but for what reason? Webboh investigated, and here’s what he found!

OK, let’s take a breath: Zendaya it’s in italy again, But what is the superstar of “Excitement” And “dune” In our country. And above all, where exactly is it? We know for sure that Zen is located in our capital, in Rome, We know this because tonight she published a story on her profile (which has 181 million followers!!!), where a small dog can clearly be seen in front of the magnificent Colosseum.

But what is Zendaya doing in Rome? Well, we checked into Webboh and all is revealed. basically The actress has arrived in Italy to attend the inauguration of a super luxury hotel.The Bulgarian hotel, which opened on 8 June in Piazza Augusto Imperatore. Among other things, there was one hiccup: the dress in which Zendaya had to attend the evening “lost in travelAnd the new outfit was made an hour before the event.

If the opening took place on the 8th, it means that the 26-year-old actress has decided to stay in beautiful Rome for a few more days to enjoy the beauty of our country. On the other hand, this is not the first time she has come to Italy: she already came to Rome in 2022 (and in that case, Tom Holland accompanied her).

(Photo: Instagram)

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