4% of drug users in Democratic Republic of Congo suffer from HIV, hepatitis C and tuberculosis | AlMomento.net

4% of drug users in Democratic Republic of Congo suffer from HIV, hepatitis C and tuberculosis | AlMomento.net

Santo Domingo – Four percent of drug users in the Dominican Republic live with HIV, hepatitis C or tuberculosis, according to a Project Principe report released Wednesday.

The study, conducted on a sample of 1,084 people, concluded that HIV prevalence is higher among men, as revealed during a meeting between health authorities and civil society representatives on the health status of drug users.

The presentation, attended by experts from different organizations, highlighted the need for a community-centred approach to identifying people affected by addiction in the setting to build trust as a key factor in the success of the project. Prince said. A statement.

risk reduction strategies

In addition to making it easier for them to get help services. Hanoi Vargas, executive director of the Volvo Foundation, said there was a need to implement strategies that reduce risks and harm, treat people without discriminating against others, and establish legal frameworks that promote health and social justice approaches.

In this sense, he stressed that the stigma and discrimination suffered by drug users “limits the dignity of treatment and can lead to premature death”, which is why he advocates decisions based on science.

Likewise, he decried the lack of strategy and financing for harm reduction programmes, despite the economic benefits and proven effectiveness, as demand control methods are more profitable than raids.

The report states that the dialogue, sponsored by the Center for Integrated Orientation and Research (COIN), represents “a critical step towards more comprehensively addressing the needs of people who use drugs in the Dominican Republic.”


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