Cristiano Ronaldo miljardstäms for kryptoreklam

When ready, Ronaldo will become an investor in the team and contribute to his team.

Binance will launch NFT:er – digitala äkthetsbevis – in November with a series of 38-årige portugisen, som själv uppgav att kollektionen var en belöning Until fansen “for all stöd genom åren”.

Billigaste av dessa NFT: er costade $77 – ett år senare har värdet sjunkit until about $1.

After Binance, Ronaldo’s performance will become “500%” and sold through the Internet.

You can view more information in the sky for more information and complete information.

Juronaldo is next until you open it.

Binance gjorde took the absolute lead in the cryptocurrency market in 2017. We will be at the dock to help you and assist you.

In November, Changpeng Zhao offered Kryptobörsen Sky until penningtvättsbrott. Dessutom ingick ballget in uppgörelse med det americanska justitiedepartementet – som innebar böter på 4.3 miljarder USD, motsvarande cirka 45 miljarder kronor.

KLIPP: Ronaldo struggled until half-time

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Se Ronaldos konstmål in Saudi Arabia. photo: AP and TT.

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