5 fruits that help lose weight

lose weight It’s not easy at all, it’s a process that requires perseverance and discipline, but there are foods that can make the process easier, which is why we’re mentioning you today. 5 fruits that can help you lose weight.

maintain a healthy weight It is important because it helps prevent various diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and sleep apnea, plus it reduces Risk of health problems.

5 fruit this can help lose weight

a good strategy lose weight and Reduce abdominal fat accumulation Eating fruits can promote weight loss not only because they are low in calories, but also because they have a low glycemic index and are high in fiber and nutrients.

these are Ideal fruits for weight loss:

1 apple

this apple help slim down Because it’s rich in antioxidants like catechins and chlorogenic acid, it also contains fibers like quercetin, which helps regulate blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

regular diet apple Can also help Reduce risk of disease heart disease, cancer and asthma, so it is recommended to eat this fruit regularly.

2. Pears

this pear able Help lose weight Since it is a low-calorie fruit, it is rich in fiber, which helps reduce appetite and has a diuretic effect. Additionally, it improves digestion and hydration.

(Photo: Canva)


this pawpaw It contains very few calories and is rich in fiber, which helps improve bowel function.In addition, due to its high content Vitamin C Like water, it can also reduce water retention and relieve feelings of bloating.

this pawpaw It helps in controlling diabetes and relieving symptoms of gastritis, so it is highly recommended for everyone.


this strawberry help lose weight Because they contain very few calories and are rich in bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects due to their high content of vitamin C, folate and phenolic compounds.

this strawberry so are they Rich in fiberhelps control blood sugar levels, thereby increasing the feeling of fullness, reducing caloric intake, and promoting weight loss.

(Photo: Canva)

5. Lemon

he lemon yes diuretics, Rich in Vitamin C Powerful antioxidants help eliminate toxins, making it a key fruit when it comes to weight loss.

(Information from: Men’s Health and Tua Saúde)

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