5 Influencer Marketing Campaigns That Went Wrong (Not Just Shane)

In recent years influencer marketing campaigns they have been adopted by many brands both in Italy and worldwide. But they do not always reach the goal that companies are counting on. The last striking case of failed marketing campaign involving an influencer is the brand. She in.

These failures are mostly due to Gap between brand value proposition and chosen influencer. Here are some examples influencer marketing campaigns gone wrong.

Douglas and Veronica Ferraro

Lately cosmetics company Douglas he created his own collagen supplement line. The launch campaign was linked to the concept #inner beauty (inner beauty). And it explicitly asks users share your opinion O. Surely one of the goals of all actions was create betrothal.

One of the selected reviews was Veronica Ferraro (fashion, beauty AND fitness influencers) with a large following and has collaborated with many important brands in the past. In a video posted on the Instagram profile of the beauty giant Ferraro is asked to express his idea of ​​inner beauty. RUser actions were quite controversial. Enough to make Douglas close comment section, delete those who came and change the text of the post.

Everyone wondered what caused this little dip, but the answer is simple: influencers wrong. Confirmation of this came a few days later with the posting of the same type of content with a different review, which had no problems.

Ferraro, which the brand considers the perfect testament target woman over 30 interested in the world of beauty and skin careit was not the right choice because hardly matches Douglas’s vision of natural, unfiltered beauty.. This marketing “oversight” had an unexpected and negative effect on the course of the campaign.

Veronica Ferraro (Alberto Scarpinato / ipa-agency.net)

Pepsi and Kendall Jenner

Cooperation between pepsi And supermodel American, Kendall Jenner, in 2017 turned into a real disaster. In the commercial in question, a Black Lives Matter protest is organized in support of Pepsi’s Global Diversity Campaign. At one point in the video, model Kendall Jenner refuses a photo shoot to join the protest and suggests to police officers who are trying to control the crowd, can of pepsi thereby returning an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The campaign was restarted in A very ironic tweet from the daughter of Martin Luther King Jr. with the following sentence:“If only dad knew that a can of Pepsi would be enough“.

The ad came right away. removed from pepsi who also had to publicly apologize for its content. This example clearly shows how important it is to choose the right influencer figure for your campaign in order to avoid really embarrassing setbacks.

Kim Kardashian and Duchesnay

Brands and influencers must act responsibly when promoting a product. Particularly when it comes to product drug or a medicine that may cause side effects in users. One of the highest paid influencers in the world, Kim Kardashianneglected precisely these rules during his collaboration with Duchesnay.

In fact, he posted a selfie on Instagram promoting it. brand name for morning sickness. However, without making any reference to the risks associated with the product, but extolling only the benefits. So the post got attention.agency for US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) what he promised large fines for the company if the post was not immediately corrected or deleted.

Finally a Kardashian forced to delete the post but by now it has already done a lot of harm. In fact, this Influencer Marketing campaign attracted many negative publicity which ultimately hurt both the influencer and the brand in question.

Kim Kardashian, Domenico Dolce: Thomas Herold / BACKGRID USA, SARS / ipa-agency.net)

Fyre Festival failure

What has been so far one of the biggest failures of influencer marketing (bordering on scam, according to Business Insider and Vice) after all, he sees a large number of Instagram stars as protagonists. In December 2016, social networks started talking about fire festival. An exclusive music festival created by rapper Ja Rule and will take place next April in an equally exclusive archipelago in the Bahamas.

The very first announcements are made with simple orange monochrome squares that look like gods to everyone. teasers what will be the actual program of the festival. Only later, along with the introduction of the first guests who will take the Fyre stage, bombardment. Information, curiosities, wonderful photos from the set from well-known Internet influencers, Victoria’s Secret models and other stars who have announced their participation in the festival. As a result tickets sold outdespite the far from modest price (from 2 to 12 thousand dollars).

It would seem that this is a great example of how influencer marketing works, combined with the timeless charm that any exclusive experience has to make participants feel part of a small circle and the lucky ones.

How did it end

It is a pity, however, that the festival turned out to be a real failure and that after a few years there are even gods there. criminal case is not yet completed. Those who bought tickets to the Fyre Festival actually arrived at the archipelago without finding anything they imagined was waiting for them.

No exclusive resorts and no star food. Only a few plastic awnings and impromptu food offered by, among other things, a restaurant that the organization never paid for. Musical guests meanwhile canceled their participation and the government had to prepare an evacuation plan and expel the organizers from the country.

The Fyre Festival, however, for those who want to avoid the failure of influencer marketing, is perhaps the most clear example of the power in terms of impact and message reach, sometimes unmanageable, that an influencer campaign can have. And, at the same time, the damage that a blind and not very careful strategy can do for this very reason.

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