5% to 10% of severe coronavirus patients suffer sequelae

Sars-Cov-2 is by far the most transmissible virus known after measles. Since it can infect people without showing symptoms, all of us are likely to be exposed to this pandemic to some degree or another at some point.

Today, it is estimated that 5% to 10% of people infected with Covid-19 may be left with some symptoms, especially if they have severe disease, although there is still a lack of research analyzing this phenomenon, especially in low-income populations middle. Resource country…

There is also no globally agreed definition.

Follow-up after discharge can reduce patient anxiety.  (AP Photo/Daniel Cole)

In October 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified all people who were still experiencing symptoms three months after becoming ill as being in the “persistent or long-term coronavirus” category.

Some international organizations consider shorter or longer periods of time when developing definitions. The incidence of sequelae or persistent symptoms may vary depending on the study population.

What’s missing needs to be known

Gustavo Lopardo, an epidemiologist and vice president of the Pan-American Society for Infectious Diseases (API), reports that despite the initial buzz, there is still little research on long-term COVID-19.

“There is very little knowledge in the world. Indeed, long-term research on this disease is not easy. To do serious research you have to understand the epidemiology well and you need to agree on a definition, which we still have today Not entirely. However, we must better understand the burden of this disease because Omicron is the second most transmissible virus we know of,” Lopado told Huésped for Buenos Aires explained in a speech organized by the Foundation’s 20th Scientific Symposium. sound.

The sample is a survey registered on the website Clinical Trials America’s. In one year, there has been no significant increase in the number of studies analyzing the long-term effects of Covid-19.

Ongoing COVID-19: Predisposing factors

People with severe disease are more likely to experience sequelae. This possibility increases if the patient is admitted to an intensive care unit.

Those who get sick with more than one symptom are more likely to have persistent COVID-19.

Some studies suggest that female sex, older age, Caucasian race, and obesity influence the duration of symptoms, as well as lack of vaccinations and risk factors.

Post-COVID-19 Control

What are the most common symptoms?

Fatigue, dyspnea, and muscle pain were the most persistent manifestations after three months.

Lopardo added that some people still experience symptoms of brain fog, coughing, chest pain and throbbing joint discomfort.

Abdominal pain and diarrhea were noted in some study populations.

Among neurological complications, mood changes and difficulty concentrating may persist.

A study conducted at Rosen Hospital in Córdoba systematized the results of 350 intensive care patients.

central laboratory

Weakness (chronic fatigue) and muscle weakness were the main persistent symptoms found in this sample. Followed by: difficulty breathing, dry cough, chest pain and anxiety. The least common are insomnia, fainting, depression, headache, neuropathy, hearing loss, tinnitus, and changes in taste and smell.

The results were announced in October 2021 at the Provincial Infectious Diseases Conference.

Which studies are recommended?

Infectious disease experts clarified that specific situations need to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. He believes that it is necessary to wait at least three months after the onset of an acute illness before analyzing symptoms or consequences. Another consideration: any other pathology must be ruled out.

“We must not forget that control of all other diseases declined in 2020 and 2021,” he recalled.

In this sense, he recommended the guidelines of the European Society of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Guidelines state that you must wait three months (approximately 12 weeks) and allow for symptoms.

Routine laboratory testing including quantitative PCR will be requested on a case-by-case basis.

Lopado reported that certain complications, such as hypothyroidism and diabetes, are common among people living with HIV.

If dyspnea persists, a CT scan may be needed. Finally there are cardiovascular and neurocognitive studies. We should also not rule out any rheumatic diseases related to Sars-Cov-2.

Ultimately, Lopado said there are currently no agreed-upon interventions or treatments to address these symptoms long-term. “There have been many previous infections that have left consequences. Flu and pneumonia, for example, have also left them,” he said.

Experts recall that the best way to prevent complications is to avoid getting sick. He reported that we must keep washing our hands and get vaccinated.

“Ó Micron and its variants are highly transmissible. “We are likely to continue to see this disease. The most effective preventive measure is to avoid contracting COVID-19,” he concluded.

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