6 desk habits that are damaging to your health

We spent almost half a day stuck in table Paradoxically, it is here that we undermine our healthy. We develop bad habits, such as eating improperly, move a littlebecome very distressed, etc.

Is it possible to reverse this trend? certainly. While there are some things we can’t avoid—like feeling stressed from time to time—there are many other things we can’t avoid. we can stop doing Making sure our working days are better for our health. record!

Change these unhealthy desk habits

1) Eat junk food

It happens to us all: in a rush to tackle thousands of tasks, we spend a long time without eating, or worse yet, we settle for a bag of crisps, some chocolate, or some unhealthy biscuits Our appetite. It wouldn’t be a problem if this happened every now and then, but it happens day after day, week after week, year after year… The consequences of eating junk food regularly are overweight, risk of diabetes, poor concentration , anxiety, etc., and many others.

2) Not leaving your desk (deadly to your health)

One of the worst habits those of us who work in offices have is sitting behind a desk for long periods of time. Lack of mobility has endless negative consequences for your health: weight gain, muscle stiffness, constipation, urinary tract infections… Do you need more reasons to stretch and walk at least once an hour?

3) Not drinking enough water

Let us guess: Because you are so busy, it is easy to forget to drink water and go hours without drinking a drop of water. Well, it affects you much more than you think: Drinking small amounts of water can cause serious kidney problems, worsen migraines, slow down your metabolism, and more. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses a day.

4) Eat at your desk

How we eat is almost as important as what we eat. When you step away from your desk (even for a few minutes) and talk to more people, your brain will rest, your thoughts will become clearer, and you’ll recharge so you feel better when you return to the workplace The more relaxed you are, the more productive you will be. Conversely, eating at your desk forces you to eat in a hurry, preventing you from enjoying your food and giving your brain the rest it deserves.

5) Spend more time at your desk in the office or at home

No one doubts this, you have a thousand things to do. But spending more time in the office won’t lighten your workload (sorry to disappoint you, but the work never ends!). On the contrary, overworking and compressing your free time will only make you feel more overwhelmed, less satisfied with your work, and of course make you less productive.

6) Drink more than 5 cups of coffee a day

Are you one of those people who drinks up to five cups of coffee a day? You could seriously damage your health. While coffee does keep you awake and improves your memory and cognitive function, high doses can also cause euphoria, anxiety, insomnia, gastritis, and other ailments. Follow expert advice and avoid drinking more than four drinks a day.

exercise work from home office healthy sedentary life

Editorial Team The editorial team of EMPRENDEDOR.com has been promoting entrepreneurship for 27 years.

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