7 Symptoms That May Alert You to Helicobacter Pylori Infection

Infected Helicobacter pylori This happens when this bacteria infects the stomach. It is a highly prevalent microbe, affecting 50% of the world’s population.

H. pylori is one of the leading causes of H. pylori infection, although its effects vary depending on bacterial genetics, host genetics, environmental factors, and age. stomach cancer.

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According to professional website mayo clinicthe bacteria can also produce gastric ulcerwhich is an ulcer that develops on the lining of the stomach or duodenum and is characterized by causing a lot of pain, similar to a burning sensation.

Most people don’t realize they have the virus because they usually don’t have any symptoms. If a carrier of the bacteria is identified, it can be prevented with medicines from causing diseases such as those already mentioned.

How does Helicobacter pylori infection occur?

Helicobacter pylori is usually direct contact with saliva, vomit, or feces of an infected personalthough contagion can also occur through contaminated food or water.

Risk factors for infection are related to a person’s living conditions, as the risk of infection increases if they suffer from overcrowding problems or do not have a reliable source of clean water.

To detect it, Chilean experts analyzed stool samples for the bacteria, eventually starting specific antibiotic treatment to eliminate it from the stomach.

What are the symptoms?

It is not clear why many people are asymptomatic, but it is possible that they have increased resistance to the harmful effects of H. pylori. When signs of infection are present, it is usually associated with conditions such as gastritis or ulcers.

Some inconveniences that may occur are as follows:

  1. stomach pain or burning
  2. Stomach pain that is more intense and may be worse on an empty stomach
  3. nausea
  4. loss of appetite
  5. frequent hiccups
  6. swelling
  7. unintentional weight loss

This article Intended to provide information, not medical advice or solutions.

Always consult your doctor or specialist if you have questions about your health or before starting treatment.

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