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Three-quarters of Spaniards suffer from the flu or cold at least once a year. 10% of them experience recurring symptoms related to these conditions (nasal congestion, malaise, cough, fever…) throughout the year.
After the first symptoms appeared, more than half of the respondents, especially 54.3% confirmed that they did not take any measures to relieve symptoms and only took measures when their condition worsened 40.2% did take anti-flu medicationsthese are the most effective ways to deal with the different symptoms that flu and colds present.
“Covid-19, influenza and the common cold are three viral diseases that cause symptoms that make patients sick.. Therefore, a comprehensive treatment approach targeting their symptoms is a good way to better cope with these diseases, in which multi-symptom treatment plays a relevant role,” says pharmacist Francisco Javier Iniesta.
In the first week of November, Flu activity begins to increaseAccording to data collected by the Instituto Carlos III Surveillance System for Acute Respiratory Infections (SiVIRA), cases are increasing in primary care 2 .
This is increasing since the same week in 2022, but not the same as last year Influenza incidence rate is 14%, compared with 2.1% this year.
This is how he explained it Estanislao NistarPh.D. in Virology, researcher and professor of Microbiology at the Department of Pharmacy, University of San Pablo, CEU: “This year, 2023, we are expected to reach the peak of flu infections later than last year, probably after Christmas. This is logical since this is a time of increased interaction and contact, so the flow of infections tends to increase. It is also important to emphasize that since the first wave of cases in October 2022 has not yet occurred, this flu and cold season is expected to be more similar to what we experienced before the pandemic began.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask your primary care doctor or pharmacist.