9 Foot Care Habits Recommended by Podiatrists

Most people downplay foot care. Today, we show you 9 tips from podiatrists to stay healthy.

9 Foot Care Habits Recommended by Podiatrists

latest update: September 10, 2023

Podiatrists agree When it comes to taking care of your body, your feet are often the most overlooked. Although they play a very important role in everyone’s life, very few people take the time to promote their well-being. Why is it important to take care of your feet? How to do it?

In addition to supporting the body, feet can also move. It’s worth pausing to think about their relevance to performing most daily tasks. Even so, the habits that could harm them and the illnesses they might develop over time are downplayed.

Athlete’s foot, arthritis, neurological and circulatory disorders, ingrown toenails, and plantar fasciitis are some examples of conditions that may occur. To reduce the risk and contribute to your health, we reveal 9 tips you can implement into your daily life. Please remember them!

1. Check your feet every day

One of the most important habits to take care of your feet is Take a few minutes to review. Often, you rush to put on your socks and shoes without realizing it. This will prevent you from determining if they have blisters, ingrown toenails, cuts, or any suspicious changes. In this way, time passed until it became painful.

Remember, the sooner you act on these situations, the fewer problems you will have. that’s why, Take a few minutes to examine the soles of your feet, the area between your toes, and your nails. If you notice any suspicious signs, talk to your podiatrist.

People with diabetes are more likely to develop foot problems but don’t realize it. Therefore, it is important to conduct these reviews more frequently.

2. Ensure daily cleaning

Feet come into contact with shoes and various surfaces every day. Because of this, its cleaning requires special attention.

It’s important to wash them every day, use warm water and mild soap. Additionally, they should be sufficiently dry, especially between the fingers, to prevent moisture from causing unpleasant odors or infection.

3. Use moisturizer

Although many people overlook this, the skin on the feet is delicate and prone to dryness due to factors such as a lack of ventilation, the materials of certain shoes, the presence of fungi, and more.Daily use of moisturizers and emollients Increases skin elasticity and reduces the formation of cracks or peeling.

Apply them to the soles, heels and feet, avoiding the area between the toes. The area should be kept as dry as possible to prevent moisture from promoting the growth of fungi and bacteria.

4. Wear appropriate shoes

Shoe choice goes beyond fashion. It is important to remember that its design and ergonomics play a decisive role in maintaining the health of your feet and body. As podiatrist Nicole Nicolosi explains on the Cleveland Clinic Podcast, wearing shoes that don’t fit properly is a big problem.

If the fit is improper, it may cause foot irritation and calluses. Actually, People with diabetes are at increased risk for ulcers and amputation. Additionally, ill-fitting shoes can increase the risk of toe contractures, chronic pain, and other foot conditions.

What should good shoes have? This answer is somewhat complex and must be adapted to different situations.

Shoes vary depending on the type of activity you want to do. Therefore, there is a dedicated shoe for every sport, work, casual outing or at home.

Some characteristics that should be considered are:

  • The sole is made of rigid material and provides good structural support.
  • The upper part is made of flexible material, especially in the finger area to avoid pressure and friction on the fingers.
  • The insole has arch support.
  • True to size.

5. Pay attention to your nails

Toenails deserve special attention because they are susceptible to fungal infections. The American Academy of Dermatology states that these often cause white spots, color changes, and thickening. Moisture and heat on the feet increase the risk.

It is important to check the condition of your nails regularly. If signs of infection appear, it is recommended to seek antifungal treatment as soon as possible, as it can spread from one nail to multiple nails.

Other basic care is as follows:

  • Regular cut. Always straight and square, but not too short.
  • Limit the use of paint. While pedicures and polishes can enhance the beauty of your feet, it is recommended to let your nails sit naturally for a few days. This is to avoid weakening it and to check carefully for signs of infection.
  • Carefully remove cuticles. Complete excision is not recommended, but removal of excess dead skin is recommended.

6.Protect feet from heat and cold

Taking care of your feet during extreme temperatures is crucial to avoiding problems. In this sense, always wear sunscreen, especially at the beach, swimming pool, etc. Sunscreen protects against burns and skin damage caused by UV rays.

However, in winter, low temperatures can cause dry skin, dermatitis, chilblains, and in severe cases, frostbite. Prevent, Wear warm socks made from natural fibers Provides heat without affecting circulation.

Also, be sure to wear closed-toed shoes and avoid direct heat sources, such as electric heaters and heat packs. These increase the risk of frostbite and burns.

7. Be careful with calluses

Calluses can easily develop on your feet due to the friction created by certain shoes. Although they are usually not painful or dangerous, They can be uncomfortable and unsightly. How to remove them?

You have to be careful! It is not correct to use chemicals or try to remove them with a razor blade. These types of actions can lead to cuts, cracks, or infections.

Podiatrists recommend filing them carefully with the help of a wet pumice stone. Apply in one direction only and don’t scratch too much.

To facilitate this process, soak your feet in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. Finally, you have to keep them well hydrated.

8. Go alone Spa trustable

this Spa Nail technicians and pedicure professionals can be a big help when it comes to caring for your feet. However, they must be trustworthy and certified. Unfortunately, with so many people frequenting it, the risk of contracting an infection is high.

In podiatry, the term “post-podiatry syndrome” is used to refer to the resulting problems. Staphylococcus aureus infections, MRSA, ingrown toenails, fungus, and cellulitis are the most common conditions.

so that, You must ensure that the venue is sanitary and the tools they use are sanitized After each use. If possible, bring your own tools.

9. Pay attention to blood circulation in the feet

One aspect that cannot be ignored when caring for your feet is blood circulation in your feet. To stimulate it, Elevate your feet regularly, especially if you sit for long periods of time. Avoid crossing your legs for long periods of time and incorporate stretching exercises into your daily routine.

Several times a day, stand on tiptoe, stand on tiptoe. Repeat 10 to 12 times and rest. You can also try tennis or table tennis. You place it on the sole of your foot and roll it around for a few minutes.

Taking care of your feet is about beauty and health

Initially, the need for foot care and treatment may be for cosmetic reasons. after all, Beautiful, healthy feet make certain types of shoes more comfortable to wear. Even so, these habits must be prioritized for health reasons.

Most foot conditions can be avoided with simple, everyday measures: proper cleaning, wearing the right shoes, applying moisturizer, and regular nail clipping.

Under any circumstances, It doesn’t hurt to see a podiatrist when certain medical conditions are suspected. A professional will not only provide an accurate diagnosis but also guide you toward effective treatment. If necessary, they will refer you to other specialists (such as a dermatologist).

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