Sambuco’s talents ‘almost the same show’ on the stage of equality

Tommaso Santini, Cosimo Merli and Lorenzo Morganti win the group section, Sara Checucci and Vanessa Cordaro are singles queens

Beware of copying. There is only one “almost one show”, a recital at the water’s edge. And it is one held in the municipality of Barberino Tavernale, where the rumble of the Pesa stream flowing under the oldest bridge in Chianti mixes with the sounds of music and the talents of local stars. Nevertheless, at a very young age, he has beaten the competition to the cracking stage of the Sambuca Val di Pesa “almost equal show”, which held court for the final evening of the Sagra dell’Ortica, promoted by Pro Loco. and was organized. With the patronage of the Sambuca Municipality. It is university students Tommaso Santini, Cosimo Merli and Lorenzo Morganti who won the jury over by interpreting the song “Mile”, the catchphrase by Fedez, Achille Lauro and Orieta Berti.

Unlike the original, in which Revolution, accomplished by the singers, was meant to bring together different worlds, musical backgrounds, and eras, if not light years apart, The three young Sambuchini are about the same age, in their early twenties, and very close friends. A partnership that seems to be successful especially considering the number of “Microphony Valpesani” in the spotlight, the symbolic award given by the staff of the “quasi par show” for the best performance declared by the members of the jury. Tommaso, Cosimo and Lorenzo are on their third win in the group section, following the successful emulation that saw bands One Direction and Menskin Dressed excel in previous editions of the music review.

The magical trio were honored in the form of makeup and wigs as well, He was not the only one who raised his arms in victory. Maiden climbs to the top of the standings Vanessa Cordaro Artist for resemblance in make-up and hair to Britney Spears, the protagonist of the song “Baby One More Time”. Sarah Chechuchi She won first place in the solo section for her interpretation of “Bellissima”, the workhorse of singer Annalisa. Present at the jury table this year alessandro raspoliniFor US Sambuca Amateurs, Michelle Piccirillo business representatives, Michael Morandi President of Calcite, in the role of mayor David BaroncelliAnd Sofia Baldini Rotaract Club K.

This initiative is conceived and organized by the Historical Group of Sambuchin Dock Damiana Fusi, Elena Buroni, Alessandra Fanfani, Angela Campolmi, Manila Bondi, Monia Chechuchi and Mariacristina Ninci, The show, presented in pairs by Lapo Taiti and Marco RaspoliniConcluded with a spectacular rain of pyrotechnic figures.

“It is also a success for this edition of the party – he announced paolo bennyPresident of Pro Loco of Sambuca Val di Pesa – which in about three days seated almost a thousand people at the table, I am indebted to the people’s team, young people and adults, for the generosity and enthusiasm of the many volunteers involved. Vice President’s heartfelt thanks to all those who have worked and made available the many activities proposed such as gastronomy, bar, musical show, photographic exhibition, local games alessio baccatinito the city councilor Tiziano Alba, Andrea and Marco RaspoliniThe protagonists of the organizational engine of the festival, volunteered with such dedication and passion are the true soul of a community which is strengthened by their networking for the country and its people. The success of the party is the success of the whole community.”

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