The problem Hollywood never seemed to foresee after the success of ‘Barbie’

RYAN GOSLING stars as Ken and MARGOT ROBBIE as Barbie in Warner Bros. Pictures' BARBIE.  © 2023 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. all rights reserved. Photo credit: Jaap Buitendijk

RYAN GOSLING stars as Ken and MARGOT ROBBIE as Barbie in Warner Bros. Pictures’ BARBIE. © 2023 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. all rights reserved. Photo credit: Jaap Buitendijk

Barbie It doesn’t surprise me that it keeps killing it. With a marketing campaign that deftly knows how to grab our attention, a cast that captivates the public, and the nostalgic curiosity that comes with the doll’s name, success is a given. Yet while the comedy continues to paint the box office pink and the industry plans to emulate the phenomenon with other toys, A Black Hole Emerges, Leaving Hollywood Afloat in the Abyss.As if they never expected it to be a worldwide success Barbie.

starring movies Margot Robbie and ryan gosling An additional $33.7 million was raised in the US over the weekend, bringing the total domestic collection to $526.3 million, which when added to the $657.6 million in the rest of the world brings the total to $1.183 billion. That said, it’s a ripe phenomenon for a female-directed comedy with characters usually reserved for action blockbusters.

despite this, At a time when Warner Bros. and movie theaters are enjoying good economic times, a reality has emerged that has given the market a worrying reality check..According to a survey conducted by Quorum (from type), a movie tracking service, surveyed 1,800 viewers who watched the movie Barbie In U.S. theaters in the past three weeks, 11% said they “do not remember the last movie they saw in theaters.”while another 11% said Barbie This is the first movie they have watched in theaters since the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020.

In turn, the company estimates that this 22% of the audience will represent a total of 9 million people who will step into a movie theater for the first time in a long time, thanks to Barbie. In other words, we can assume that this 22% would not even be attracted to other recent phenomena such as Super Mario Bros.: The Movie, Avatar: Aqueduct anyone Top Gun: Maverick, Nor for the conversations, interest, or global success they sparked. But the pink phenomenon and its marketing campaign had to come to lure them back to movie theaters.

The remainder of the survey revealed more positive figures for the film industry, such as 46 percent saying they go to the movies “always” and 32 percent saying they go to the movies “occasionally.” However, What is most relevant to this survey is that 40% of people said that the experience of seeing Barbie Reminding them at the cinema how much they loved going to the movies now they go to the movies more often. Forty-five percent are sure they’d like to go to the cinema more often, but cost is an issue, so they’ll need “another movie as exciting as Barbie” to come back. Finally, while only 15% said “they don’t think seeing Barbie means they’ll see more movies in theaters”, I think the most important stat is at 85% who continue to repeat the experience found in interest.

So, let’s fix that. Because while this survey should bode well and hopefully for the traditional film industryAffected by consumption changes brought about by the epidemic and streaming media trends, For all of Hollywood and audiences who have rekindled their love of cinema, there is a reality that is a bucket of cold water. Barbie. If we look at the release calendar, we can conclude that the industry is not ready for this phenomenon. Barbie. Or, at least, it doesn’t take into account the interest of a section of the public returning to theaters thanks to the Mattel dolls, and now they won’t be able to repeat the experience without something else happening. Same caliber.

So if this survey showed us anything, the pink phenomenon is that none of the superhero flicks, millionaire sequels, or Tom Cruise are reaching audiences in general.But we need phenomena like Barbie This sparks conversations, but most importantly, a curiosity to see something that is expected to be original to whet the appetite of audiences of all kinds.Now, however, those wishes have been resurrected, thanks to Barbie, Now some audiences have been encouraged to return to the cinema, We find ourselves without the phenomena that Hollywood has. At least in the short term.

because when large travel He made an interesting but predictable proposal, met with lukewarm criticism, and blue beetle After the Transformers saga is over, we still have compelling productions for different audience segments, but nothing can replace the publicity, interest and curiosity of the movie. Barbie. In theory, it will take until October to revive curiosity about the movie they can be resurrected The Exorcist: The Believer It will serve as a direct sequel to the horror classic, and moon killer, The drama, starring Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio, was warmly received by critics after it premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.

This is a problem for Hollywood.because when Barbie Having successfully revived interest in traditional cinema among audiences who haven’t set foot in a theater since the pandemic, or can’t even remember the last time they went, that renewed desire might now be lost again if it wasn’t provided with an experience of the following phenomenon. Barbie in the next few weeks. After the toll the pandemic has taken, one would think the industry would be more prepared to squeeze the Barbie phenomenon. They’ll be launching a series to take over and keep fans enthusiastic about the eventual resurrection.

This article was written by Cine54 exclusively for Yahoo en Español.

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