The capital will set up 9 fixed stations for air quality monitoring

In order to cooperate with several environmental protection policies and promote the development of a healthy city, the Municipality of Córdoba has purchased 9 of its own continuous air quality measurement stations through the Respira Córdoba project. They will be installed at fixed points in the central district and in other parts of the capital.

“Respira Córdoba” is an initiative of Mayor Martín Llaryora, supported by the European Union (EU) and the Office of the Mayor of Córdoba (Spain).

Costing $4,695,768, the new monitoring station features state-of-the-art equipment that collects extensive data on temperature, humidity, and PM10, 4.0, 2.5 and 1.0 particulate levels.

These suspended components are classified from large to small and affect people’s health to varying degrees. PM10 is mainly dust, pollen and mold, which often cause allergic reactions, bronchitis and asthma attacks. PM2.5 and PM0.1 are much smaller and pose a greater risk to respiratory health.

“It will allow us to map and measure air quality levels to protect the health of our neighbours, which is also a result of Cordovan’s technicians,” said Jorge Folloni, Minister of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development.

“This information is critical to identifying sources of pollution, designing public health policies and improving atmospheric visibility,” the official added.

The equipment is manufactured by the local Onsen company, which brings together professionals from the National University of Córdoba and the National Technical University. “It works with a technology called the Internet of Things, where data is uploaded via telemetry from a phone service chip and can be processed in the cloud and then displayed in a networked system to be able to be visualized, interpreted, device maker Onsen’s founding According to Gerardo Misael García, the company brings together professionals from UNC and UTN.

Alejandra Torres, Minister of Planning, Modernization and International Relations, expressed satisfaction with the achievement: “The Respira Córdoba project is a clear example of the Municipality of Córdoba’s commitment to environmental sustainability.”

In turn, the official also values ​​the impact of the program and the work of the National University of Córdoba, which will strengthen technical capabilities and provide cutting-edge technology for the municipal environmental observatory, which is under construction, for architectural restoration.

The technology will replace four stations in operation, which have reached the end of their useful life due to the nature of their components. Once built and operational, the new station will be able to calculate the air quality index and warn people at risk, when outdoor activities are not advised, or when masks are used, becoming a preventive form of public health.

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