Sea lions off the coast of Buenos Aires confirm new bird flu outbreak

Similarly, Senasa reports that “recent test results in marine mammals do not affect the animal health status self-declared at the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA), Argentina is considered free of HPAI in poultry .”

sea ​​lion – necochea – bird flu

Senasa confirmed new cases of bird flu among sea lions off the coast of Buenos Aires.

Senasa has confirmed new cases of bird flu in sea lions off the coast of Buenos Aires.

Photo: Sensa.

Specifically, they will continue to cooperate with different regions, as well as national, provincial, municipal organizations and production sectors, because stay on alertbefore the onset of the disease, and the forms of transmission and transmission thereof.

Tips to Avoid Contagion

They launched the following products from Senasa Tips to prevent the spread of bird flu:

  • Do not handle dead animals or animals showing suspicious symptoms.
  • Do not go to poultry farms or wildlife habitats after exposure to dead or symptomatic animals.
  • To Producers, Institutions, and the Public: Please notify if high mortality in susceptible species, neurological, digestive, and/or respiratory symptoms are observed in wild birds or commercial or backyard poultry.

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