Avian Influenza: Where to Notify When Dead Birds or Marine Mammals Are Found in Rosales

Colonel Rosales recommends “keeping a safe distance and avoiding direct contact” with wild or domestic fowl or marine mammals that show signs of illness or death.

This is to confirm the presence of cases of Avian Influenza (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza HPAI H5) in wildlife in cities on the Atlantic coast of Buenos Aires, such as Necochea and Quiquen or Ponta Loyo in Santa Cruz pull.

Additionally, there were reports yesterday of dead sea lions being found in the South Grande area of ​​Monte Hermoso.

According to Senasa Resolution No. 153/2021, avian influenza is a notifiable disease in Argentina and anyone who observes fatal, neurological, digestive and/or respiratory symptoms in wild or domestic poultry can notify the agency.

Those of the Rosaleña community ask to contact the municipality or SENASA in case such a situation is discovered. They also ask that pets be kept away from dead animals and birds to minimize the spread of the virus.

“Avian influenza is a zoonotic disease, so the disease can be transmitted between animals and humans,” they said.

The authorized telephone numbers for the Municipality’s Citizens Conservation Area are 2932 61-7541 and 291 4562172.

SENASA (National Food Health and Quality Service) has its regional headquarters in Mar del Plata and can be contacted on (223) 4802226.

The closest offices are in Bajo Hondo (02932 491171) and Bahía Blanca (0291-4562146).

other suggestion.

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