The first day at school. Mayor Giunti and Councilor Bartolini meet with students – ValdarnoPost – Valdarno News

On the first day of classes, there is a traditional tour of the classrooms of Reggello Mayor Piero Giunti and Education Councilor Adele Bartolini.who conveyed greetings from the municipal administration of Reggello to numerous students, teachers and staff of the school.

“We also welcome the new headmaster, Dr. Francesco Dalai, who is also an “old” friend of our school,” said Adele Bartolini. “Our secondary school has always had valuable leaders. The first day is always full of emotions and it is very nice to see smiling students and their parents. School is a place where personality develops, where you live with friends and where communication is at the center of everything, as is learning. Cooperation and economic support from the city administration continues this year, in addition to the planned work for schools, our attention is paid to the implementation of many educational and extracurricular projects.”

“You will never forget the first day of school,” added Mayor Giunti, “we are lucky in Reggello because we have an excellent comprehensive school., which works well, with quality teaching staff. We do not take the beauty of our school for granted. In congratulating you on your birthday, I would like to use the famous motto of Don Lorenzo Milani, whose centenary of his birth is celebrated this year: “I care.” That is, “this is close to my heart, it is important to me, it is important to me.” These words were printed at the entrance to his school in Barbiana and I hope that they will become our own, to be able to say that the school is close to our hearts, we are passionate about it.”

The mayor and councilor visited the schools of the Reggello General Education Institute, and in the following days they will also visit local private schools and kindergartens.

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