A strange pneumonia in children sounds the alarm in China, and Beijing hospitals are “overcrowded”

this World Health Organization (World Health Organization) asked China details About increasing Respiratory Diseases and Pneumonia cases in childrenOn Thursday, its office in China said it was a “routine” inspection.according to a report Reuters Chinese authorities National Health Commission On November 13, they held a press conference to inform Increased incidence of respiratory diseases.

These authorities attribute These cases have increased as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted and pathogen circulation influenza, Mycoplasma pneumoniaea common bacterial infection that usually affects young children, Respiratory syncytial virus and the virus that causes Covid-19.

China and the World Health Organization Facing questions about reporting transparency First cases of Covid-19 Appear in The central Chinese city of Wuhan End of 2019.

On Wednesday, the World Health Organization said that like Emerging Disease Surveillance Program Multiple undiagnosed cases of pneumonia in children have been reported in northern China.The World Health Organization said it was unclear whether these were related to Respiratory tract infections are on the rise Chinese authorities have reported previous or separate incidents.

The World Health Organization has requested Epidemiological information and other clinical and laboratory findings reported in childhood outbreaks, by mechanism International Health Regulations.

return More information has been requested from China About trends pathogen circulation are well known, and the burden they place on the healthcare system. The World Health Organization said it was in contact with doctors and scientists through its existing technical associations and networks in China.

In a statement released independently, reporters Emerging Disease Surveillance Program (ProMED) Beijing, Dan Silver talks ‘Hospitals are packed with children’ Beijing, Liaoning and other places are even considering suspending classes. Families need to “queue for two hours” to receive treatment at a medical center or traditional Chinese medicine institution.

this World Health Organization China Office Noting that it is “common practice” to require member states such as China to provide information on increased volumes Respiratory diseases and pneumonia clusters in children.

Not mentioned in last week’s press conference undiagnosed pneumoniaaccording to a transcript, but one speaker said everyone felt like it happened this year Increase in respiratory diseases Compared to three years ago.

Chinese authorities have been widely criticized Information is not transparent they continue The outbreak of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, Criticism has also reached Confidentiality accepted by the World Health Organization for subsequent field investigation.

The World Health Organization has requested information epidemiology and clinical, In addition to laboratory samples obtained from patients with new type of childhood pneumonia, International Health Regulatory Mechanism. He also asked for data on the spread of identified pathogens and the saturation of health systems.

At the same time, it conveyed several recommendations to the population to reduce the risk of contagion.These include Get a flu shot to avoid other outbreaks Respiratory diseases; If you have symptoms, keep your distance; Avoid contact with people while sick; Get tested to identify circulating pathogens; Wear a mask when appropriate; indoor spaces are well ventilated; and wash your hands well.

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