What do we know about the Palestinian detainees included in the prisoner exchange agreement?

The Israeli army is at the height of the war against the West Bank camps

The Israeli army has killed a Palestinian in the Balata refugee camp in Nablus, in the northern West Bank, in a new incursion part of a series of attacks concentrated on camps in the West Bank.

The army stormed the Balata camp at midnight and worked there for about 15 hours, during which it killed the boy Mustafa Hafi (17 years old), injured 7 others, arrested 9, demolished the infrastructure and demolished the memorials to the fighters, while he was armed and popular. Clashes broke out in various areas of the camp.

Palestinian factions said they confronted the Israeli army during the assault on the camp, inflicting casualties on it and forcing it to retreat from positions before it brought in any other major reinforcements.

The army initially surrounded the camp, then pushed the soldiers inside and clashed with the armed men. Scattered clashes were heard throughout the camp overnight and into Thursday, as well as explosions, before the army retreated, leaving destruction in its wake, to which camp residents responded with large spontaneous demonstrations confirming their continued challenge to employment.

The assault on the Balata camp is the third in a week, after last Saturday an Israeli plane killed 5 fighters in the headquarters of the Fatah movement, then attacked it twice and killed 2 others.

Israel is focusing on the fields in a vast campaign that extends across the West Bank. Israeli forces stormed Tulkarem camp on Wednesday, killing 6 Palestinians during the march and also stormed Dheisheh camp in Bethlehem.

Since last October 7, when Hamas carried out the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack against Israel in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip, the army has stormed most of the camps in the West Bank, killing, arresting and provoking clashes in the area. camps in Jenin, Tulkarm, Balata, Al-Jalazoun, Askar and Nour Shams, and deliberately sabotaging the roads. There is infrastructure, and he used marches exclusively in some of these camps, and he murdered Palestinians in large numbers.

A member of the Israeli Border Police takes a position during a raid in the Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus, in the occupied West Bank (AFP)

A security source told Asharq Al-Awsat that Israel is violating the entire West Bank in an attempt to reoccupy it along with the Gaza Strip, but is focusing more on the camps in an attempt to limit residents on the one hand, and on the other fields. take revenge on the other.

According to the source, Israel is seeking to impose a new fait accompli based on the occupation, killing and oppression of Palestinians, and believes that the opportunity is ripe to kill more Palestinians, especially in the camps, which constitute a constant source of concern. for the Israelis.

A Palestinian walks in the Balata refugee camp in Nablus as an Israeli military vehicle passes by (Reuters)

The West Bank has been experiencing growing tension for two years, but since October 7, Israel has imposed a real war on it.

The ongoing Israeli escalation in the West Bank reinforces fears that the West Bank will turn into a third front in the current war.

Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh and European Union foreign policy official Josep Borrell inspect a map of the Gaza Strip during Borrell’s visit to Ramallah in the West Bank, November 17 (Reuters)

In recent weeks, Palestinians have carried out several attacks against Israelis, but these have not risen to the level of a new “uprising”, as has happened in previous clashes.

In addition to Balata, the Israeli army stormed Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin, Tubas, Qalqilya, Jerusalem, Hebron and Bethlehem in the West Bank.

Occupation forces killed a second Palestinian in the village of Burqa, east of Ramallah, and wounded 3 others. The Palestinian Red Crescent said its crews “received a martyr from the village of Burqa, east of Ramallah ”.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health later announced that Khader Al-Sayyid Ali Alwan (46) was killed by occupation bullets in Burqa, Ramallah district. Eyewitnesses said the youths were transporting olive oil from some oil mills in the village before the occupation soldiers shot them.

According to official Palestinian data, Israel killed 228 Palestinians in the West Bank after the “Al-Aqsa flood” and arrested more than 3,000.

Israeli soldiers appear Thursday in Balata refugee camp in Nablus, West Bank (AP)

The Israeli army arrested at least 76 Palestinians on Thursday, bringing the number of people arrested since October 7 to more than 3,100. These include those who were arrested in their homes and through military checkpoints, those who were forced to surrender under pressure, those who were held hostage and those who were arrested were later summoned and arrested, while those who were arrested for the purpose of field investigation they were subsequently released.

Intensive arrests have been one aspect of Israel’s war in the West Bank. According to the Palestinian Prisoner Information Office, the number of administrative detainees for the first time since the founding of the prisoners’ movement has reached more than 2,200 prisoners, half of whom belong to the Hamas movement.

The Prisoner Information Office attributed this to the intensive arrests carried out by the Israeli occupation since 7 October. Israel says it is also arresting Palestinians from the Gaza Strip on a daily basis amid the ongoing war there.

The prisoners are living in conditions unprecedented since the Hamas operation, in complete isolation, barred from receiving visitors and subjecting them to abuse, beatings and humiliation, according to accounts from released prisoners.

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