Abigail’s death: Medical malpractice investigation continues

They continue to investigate the death of Abigaíl Lucero, a 9-year-old girl who was decompensated after arriving at the Cimyn clinic in San Juan on July 11 and died there.

The program is part of an investigation into the case of the deceased minor after the nursing home was raided. UFI Special Crimes Prosecutor Francisco Pizarro was interviewed this way to find out how they approached the case.

During the conversation, she recalled that she could be confirmed to have been treated by at least two doctors on the day of her death. The causes of the crime of medical malpractice are still under investigation, and those in charge of these expertise, headed by UFI Dr. Beatriz Vásquez, in addition to obtaining complex testimonies, also researched the case accordingly, doctors, coroners intervened. The forensic team confirmed that the deceased did not die violently, but suffered multiple organ failure due to respiratory infection and pneumonia.

Meanwhile, Pizarro revealed that although the facts are under investigation, the doctors have not been charged and are still working at the clinic. “If there is responsibility, steps will be taken accordingly and once all the testing has been completed, if there is an indication of criminal conduct, the person will be charged or dismissed,” said the prosecutor.

Even so, Pizarro revealed that all evidence is still being gathered: “With the technical support of the San Juan police, a report is being made on the clinic’s computer records to determine whether there has been a crime.”

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