After cases of human infection with swine flu appeared in Spain, the World Health Organization issued a statement and considered the risk to be low.

January 30 animal health Exclusively reported a case of a worker at a pig farm in Catalonia being infected with a variant of the H1N1 swine influenza virus.

a week later, european health authorities New details have been released about human swine flu cases in Spain. Now, the World Health Organization (WHO) have also published reports on this infection.

“he January 29 “In 2024, Spanish health authorities notified WHO of a laboratory-confirmed case of human infection with swine influenza A (v) influenza A (H1N1) virus in the province of Lleida,” the WHO said.

Furthermore, the World Health Organization emphasized in its report that, including current cases, Spain has been notified Three human cases of influenza virus infection Influenza A H1N1.The first case was reported in Year 2008 The second time in January 2023.

As already emphasized above, the World Health Organization also emphasizes that based on the information currently available, in this case No ongoing community transmission has been detected. therefore, risk of spread Disease spreads internationally through humans and/or spreads between humans at a community level low.

In its report, the World Health Organization detailed the response of Catalan health authorities after reports of the cases. “this Catalonia public health authorities they started Epidemiological Investigation. No secondary cases were found among the three close household contacts. To date, no other agricultural workers have reported symptoms and monitoring of these workers is complete,” the WHO noted.

Likewise, the World Health Organization noted that Catalonia’s General Directorate for Public Health Surveillance and Emergency Response contacted the Ministry for Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda responsible for animal health, which confirmed that, There is no need for mandatory notification of influenza A epidemic in pigsand No control or follow-up actions are expected on the herd.

WHO assesses risks after swine flu cases and recommends restrictions

Finally, the World Health Organization developed risk assessment In their report, it was stated that “most human cases of influenza A (H1N1) are caused by exposure to swine influenza viruses” Direct or indirect contact with infected pigs or contaminated environment. “

“However, some cases have been reported with no apparent source of pig exposure in the weeks preceding illness onset. Given These viruses continue to be found in pig herds around the world.Additional human cases are expected to occur following direct or indirect contact with infected pigs. Cases of the swine variant have been reported in many countries in recent years, also in Europe,” they explained.

The World Health Organization states that current evidence shows These viruses have not yet acquired the ability to sustain human-to-human transmission: There is limited, non-sustained human-to-human transmission of influenza virus variants, but no sustained community transmission has been found.

“he risk Detecting additional human cases associated with this event and further spread of disease In humans it is considered low. The risk assessment will be reviewed if more epidemiological or virological information becomes available. ” said the World Health Organization.

Finally, the World Health Organization has issued a series of recommendations on human swine flu in its report, stressing that the Spanish case “No changes to current recommendations World Health Organization opinion on public health measures and seasonal influenza surveillance.

In this sense, No special restrictions are recommended To travelers no control Due to the current status of influenza viruses at the human-animal interface, at the point of entry.

As influenza viruses continue to evolve, WHO continues Emphasis on the importance of global monitoring Detect virological, epidemiological and clinical changes associated with circulating influenza viruses that may affect human (or animal) health and share viruses in a timely manner for risk assessment.

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