Antiviral treatment helps reduce survival risks

Cumulative incidence of liver nodules, cirrhosis, and HCC in the untreated, continued treatment, and discontinued treatment groups


(A, B, C) Comparison of the cumulative incidence of three events among patients with various levels of HBV DNA. (D, E, F) Comparison of the cumulative incidence of three events in three subgroups of patients with HBV DNA ≥ 2,000 IU/mL. ***p<0.001; *p<0.0167; nanoseconds, p>0.05. BL, baseline; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma.

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Image source: Jing Zhou and En-Qiang Chen

The study delves into a traditionally overlooked category of patients with chronic hepatitis B. Although those who are HBeAg negative but have normal ALT levels are considered low risk and are often excluded from immediate treatment, this study challenges this view by demonstrating the substantial benefit of continued antiviral therapy. This study conducted a retrospective analysis of 194 patients diagnosed with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B over a median period of 54 months. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA was detected in these patients and they were classified according to treatment regimen: continuous, intermittent, or no nucleos

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