are you sick?This is what your poop tells you about your health

World Toilet Day: 485,000 households in Colombia lack sanitation facilities. reference picture.

Talking about bowel movements is serious.talking about poop can be an unpleasant, funny and even poetic topic, as the poem already says, “No one can escape defecation… Even the most beautiful ladies. “

In the field of health, the study of excreta Said a lot about everyonebecause it can teach us about how our bodies are functioning and whether they are healthy.

No matter where in the world we are, Although the names are different: excrement. Sediment, excrement, feces, manure, garbage, debris, waste, shitfilth, filth, filth, shit, excrement, poop, excrement… We talk about the same thing.

When analyzing substances excreted in the intestinal tract Nutrient deficiencies can be discovered, and inferences can be made about what the diet is like, how digestion is going, and even health issues.

Feces and its components are Indicators of possible disease Fecal analysis is a routine part of any office; scientific research also takes feces as an object of study and seeks applications.

Humanity we are full of microorganisms It’s everywhere, we call it the microbiome, and it’s the interface between food and us. There are countless studies that conclusively link certain microbial components to diseases that can cause disease. From intestinal infection to Colon cancer, through fissures, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel disease, dysbiosis or Crohn’s disease.

Feces has become an important part of culture (Photo: Special)

Just reading it, the action itself sounds unappealing, but it is necessary because at the same time Go to the bathroom and look at the shape, texture, color and smell of what comes out of your digestive tract It will help to determine if there is any type of abnormality in our body.

Things to consider:

  • Traffic is slow. If a patient has infrequent bowel movements, it may be due to Lack of water (hydration) and fiberneed 25 to 30 grams per day.
  • Rabbit poop. Small stools may be the product of: A diet low in fiber or not hydrated enoughBut if this happens regularly and doesn’t change, it could be a sign of rectal cancer, a tumor that blocks bowel movements.
  • Floating feces. When they remain on the toilet bowl surface and float repeatedly, you should consult your doctor as there may be intestinal malabsorptioneither default or oversubscribed.
  • Stink. Obviously, no one smells like roses or lavender when they go to the bathroom, but if the stench persists for days, that’s synonymous with stink. food intolerance Or take medication: in the first case, you must determine which type of food is harmful to you; secondly, consult a doctor, since a very pungent smell may be due to gastroduodenal ulcers or erosive gastritis.
  • Diarrhea lasting more than 72 hours. If a person has diarrhea several times a day and lasts for more than 72 hours, it may be a sign of diarrhea.and intolerance to certain foods or drugs due to poisoning or malabsorption Or irritable bowel syndrome.
  • There is blood in the stool. unmistakable and obvious signs that Digestive system problem They range from cancer to polyps, including diverticulosis (small pouches that form in the intestinal wall), hemorrhoids, or colitis.

However, in any of the above cases, it is best to consult a specialist to determine the treatment that should be taken.

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