August 13th is “salvation” day for lefties

In a right-handed world, the peculiarity of those who use their left hand to write or engage in any activity is celebrated.

In a world that seems to have been created primarily for right-handers, left-handers often adapt to environments that are not designed for them. They “carry” mostly right-handed doors, kitchens, sinks, mice, keyboards and tables. But August 13th is left-handers’ “save” day: an international day dedicated to them to celebrate a feature that is no longer considered a defect to be corrected as it was in the past, and which today affects about 10% of left-handers. world population.

Lefties Day was established in 1992 by the Lefties Club in the United Kingdom, and according to science, there is no shortage of features for lefties, both positive and negative.

Problems but also benefits

According to an article in the Washington Post, in 1860 only 2% of the population preferred to use their left hand, but that percentage has increased over the decades. By 1920, the number of leftists had grown to 4%, and today it is about 10%.

Being left-handed comes with challenges and benefits. According to research, left-handed people remember events better due to a closer connection between the hemispheres of the brain. They are also often more adept at tackling complex problems and disciplines that require agility, such as ping pong or baseball. At the same time, left-handers may run into some issues with their surroundings, which are often reserved for right-handers.

In terms of health, lefties may have a higher risk of breast cancer, but at the same time, they seem to have an advantage in stroke recovery. There is no shortage of examples from famous leftists who have achieved success in various fields, such as Barack Obama, Paul McCartney, Bill Gates, Prince William, Angelina Jolie, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci.

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