Avoid UTIs

UTIs can affect some people regardless of their life stage.

GP Elías Cázares tells us about these conditions that can occur in the urinary tract and, if left untreated, can affect the patient’s quality of life.

more than one category

There are two types of UTIs: Lower urinary tract infection and upper urinary tract infection. The most common injuries are infections of the bladder and urethra (the tube that drains urine). The most common among patients is the first, this type of infection is caused by bacteria.

Escherichia coli

The most common bacteria causing this type of infection is called E. coli. It is normal for humans to have it, but in the gut, in the gut. Since the urinary tract is an area very close to the exit of feces, infectious diseases can arise from there and cause infection.

poor sanitation

you can thinkUrinary tract infection if you use a public restroom“It’s possible, though less common, in situations of poor sanitation, or where the surfaces used are not clean and some type of bacteria is present.

Can’t help but go to the bathroom

It’s true that suppressing the urge to go to the bathroom can lead to UTIs. Anything that makes urine stay in the bladder longer than it should can leave us vulnerable to infection.

For example, some people have bladder deformities, certain structural problems, bladders that don’t contract properly, or kidney stones, or kidney stones can also cause urine to stay in the bladder longer, which can lead to infection.

Women are more prone to infection

Women have a much smaller urethra than men, which makes them more prone to UTIs. In men, this condition is less common because their urethras are longer, so bacteria can’t reach the male bladder as easily. For women, there’s even a social element, as they tend to suppress the urge to go to the bathroom.

More research on men

Although UTIs are more common in women, men are not immune either. However, when this occurs in male patients, it may be considered atypical and further investigation is required to determine the cause.

your symptoms

The most common symptoms of this infection are: pain or burning when urinating, frequent urination, feeling the need to urinate even though the bladder is empty. In some cases, blood may be present in the urine.

When a kidney infection is present, it may include fever, chills, pain in the lower back or side, and even nausea and vomiting.

When to consult?

you have to see a doctor from the first symptoms Rather than waiting for others to join in or deteriorating those who already exist.

Many times, patients don’t go to the doctor because the symptoms seem subtle and irregular, but more serious infections related to the kidneys definitely require hospitalization.

stage of life

must take into account UTIs vary by stage where is this person. Due to the decline of defense ability, the elderly may suffer from other related diseases. However, adulthood will be less painful if you have good care and healthy habits as an adult.


Taking care of your body is very important for both men and women. personal hygienehe. Proper technique for daily grooming and cleaning of the genital area is very important to avoid infections in these areas.

people and diabetes They may be more susceptible to these types of infections, so adequate self-care is advised at any stage of life.

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