Baby dies with signs of sexual abuse

East City. Regional agent.

José María González Marecos is a former Interpol police officer who was sentenced in August 2019 to 10 years in prison for sexual coercion, rape and sexual abuse of children.. The court is composed of judges Evangelina Villalba Montanía, Óscar Gabriel Genes Ayala and Alba Meza. The prosecutor in the case is Adolfo Santander. The ruling was approved in all cases.

Since then, he has not been in jail as he has always been under house arrest. The former police officer will eventually have to go to jail after the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court last week rejected a bid by the former police officer’s defense to quash his conviction. In February 2023, he was lifted from house arrest and completely released.

This is how he explained it Attorney Ariel Ramón Acosta, representing the paternal line of the abuse victim. The complaint dates back to 2015, when the girl was 12, and alleges the man who belonged to her intimate environment systematically abused her starting when she was nine.

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The girl’s teacher realized what was happening to the minor at the time and, per protocol, knew what was going on. Since then, It was the girl’s father who was responsible for reporting the crime and accompanying the judicial proceedings. I hope those sentenced in prison will finally get justice.According to the lawyer.

It’s been four years since the complaint that convicted the former officer, and four years have passed without him setting foot in jail again, lawyers said. He did spend some time in jail before being sentenced.

The young woman’s family wants the convicted person to go to jail, given that the former police officer has little time left to serve due to systematic delays, and since most of the sentence is served under house arrest, as the lawyer explained.He mentioned that in order to The duration of the proceedings is suspended, given the series of delaying actions proposed, while there is still a reasonable period of time before the sentence must be served in prison.

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