Barbie: Greta Gerwig and Kate McKinnon explain the concept of Queer Barbie | Movie

On the occasion of the digital release BarbieA short film was released entitled “It’s a Strange Word”, in which director Greta Gerwig and Kate McKinnon discuss the character played by the latter. We’re talking about Weird Barbie, the one who helps Margot Robbie’s stereotypical Barbie make her journey into the real world. A character that is definitely a doll that has been played with a lot (perhaps too much).

Here’s what Gevig and McKinnon have to say about the character, who has quickly become a fan favorite. The director talks about his source of inspiration:

You comb her hair and then decide that you want to cut it, and then you want to see what happens if you set her hair on fire and draw all over her face. You make her do the splits and try to change her clothes. I had an idea: “We need a Barbie who represents the fate of many Barbies.” I wanted her to be funny and wise.

MacKinnon adds:

She’s like the guardian of all weirdness. Collected Barbie. And Weird Barbie is Barbie who is allowed to be asymmetrical and messy. What we all have inside is embodied in this work of art.

In the video we also see commentary from Margot Robbie, who defines Weird Barbie as “a cross between David Bowie and a mangy cat.”

You can find all the information about the film in our sheet.

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SOURCE: Entertainment Weekly

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