Health Effects of Body Tattoos

If you’re reading this, you’re probably the proud owner of a “cute” tattoo that fits your skin perfectly. The reason you got a tattoo may resonate with your past, present, or even your future.

Tattooing, as a form of self-expression, has been a ritualized practice in many cultures.

From Japan to Egypt, people have been getting tattoos for a long time, and for many reasons. Today, most tattoos are made for symbolic reasons. Some people also get tattoos out of impulse, without any particular reason.

Throughout the 1970s, tattoos constituted a cultural taboo in contemporary Western society, often associated with members of violent groups such as criminals and gang members.

However, as life evolves, people get tattoos for a variety of reasons, including symbolizing thoughts and attractions, self-identity and self-image, fashion purposes, and commemoration.

However, no matter your reason for considering getting a tattoo, it’s important to know that you should think carefully before getting one.

If you’re unsure or worried you might regret it, give it some extra time. Do not allow yourself to be pressured into getting a tattoo, and do not get a tattoo if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

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Choose the location of your tattoo carefully. Consider whether you want to hide your tattoo under clothing. Also, keep in mind that weight gain, including during pregnancy, may distort your tattoo or affect its appearance.

Also, don’t let the simplicity of the process stop you from thinking carefully about permanent body art. Before getting a tattoo, make sure you know what’s involved and how to reduce possible risks.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit U.S. academic medical center focused on integrative medicine, education, and research, tattoos can damage the skin, which means skin infections and other complications may occur, including:

allergic reaction: Tattoo dyes—especially red, green, yellow, and blue dyes—may cause allergic skin reactions, such as an itchy rash at the tattoo site. This can happen even years after getting a tattoo.

Skin infection: Skin infections can occur after getting a tattoo.
Other skin problems. Sometimes, areas of inflammation called granulomas form around tattoo ink. Tattoos can also cause keloids – raised areas caused by overgrowth of scar tissue.

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Bloodborne diseases: If the equipment used for tattooing becomes contaminated with infected blood, you can become infected with a variety of blood-borne diseases, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.
MRI complications. In rare cases, tattoos or permanent makeup may cause swelling or burning of the affected area during a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exam. In some cases, tattoo pigments can affect the quality of the image.

If you have an allergic reaction to tattoo ink, or develop an infection or other skin problem near your tattoo, you may need medication or other treatment.

The Mayo Clinic also explains safety precautions to avoid side effects

To ensure your tattoo can be performed safely, ask the following questions:

Who did the tattoo?

Go to a reputable tattoo studio that only employs properly trained staff. Keep in mind that regulatory requirements and licensing standards vary from state to state. Check with your city, county or state health department for information on local licensing and regulations.

Do tattoo artists wear gloves?

Make sure the tattoo artist washes their hands and wears a new pair of protective gloves between each procedure.
Is the tattoo artist using the correct equipment? Before the procedure begins, make sure the tattoo artist removes the needle and tube from the sealed packaging. Any paint, trays or containers should also be left unused.

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Do tattoo artists sterilize non-disposable equipment?

Make sure the tattoo artist uses a heat sterilizer (autoclave) to sterilize all unusable equipment between clients. Instruments and supplies that cannot be sterilized with an autoclave (including drawer handles, tables, and sinks) should be disinfected after each use with a commercial disinfectant or bleach solution.

Take good care of your tattoo
How you care for your new tattoo depends on the type and extent of work done. Typically, however, you need:

Keep tattooed skin clean: Use regular soap and water and touch gently. When showering, avoid direct water contact with newly tattooed skin. Pat – don’t rub – the area dry.

Use moisturizer: Apply a gentle moisturizer to the tattooed skin several times a day.
Avoid sunlight. Keep the tattooed area out of the sun for at least a few weeks.

Avoid swimming: While your tattoo is healing, stay away from swimming pools, hot tubs, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water.
Choose your clothes carefully. Don’t wear anything that might stick to your tattoo.

It can take up to two weeks to heal: Do not pick at any scabs as this increases the risk of infection and may damage the design and cause scarring.

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