Batman Day is celebrated around the world

Vincenzo Campanella

Yesterday, the world celebrated Batman Day, a day to honor the figure of the Dark Knight. The character of Bruce Wayne is legendary, portraying the image of a wealthy man driven to defy fate and fight injustice, able to turn his fear into strength, enhanced by the pain he felt as an orphan.

What’s really appealing is the dark magnetism of the masked crusader and the torments of the alter ego. Four films have hit the big screen so far: Tim Burton’s film brought it to cinema for the first time with its dark fantasy touch, making it the biggest commercial success of the eighties.

The saga then continued with George Clooney, but it was thanks to Nolan that we were able to truly understand the journey of the avenger, which began in the ice of the shadow sect, where Ra’s al Ghul forged him so much that he became a defeated enemy for not studying the battlefield.

But if Batman remains the most beloved superhero, it is also thanks to the main antagonist, the beloved villain par excellence: the legendary Joker, always ready to laugh in his face.

In fact, the role earned him two Oscars, awarded to Heath Liger and Joaquin Phoenix, respectively. But at the same time, it is worth mentioning the outstanding performance of Jack Nicholson.

Batman and Joker

Jack made us discover it, Heath made us love it, and Joaquin told us about its origins.

And how can we forget the evil and scary penguin played by Danny DeVito? Or the sensuality of Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman? Together with Anne Hathaway, she truly became a femme fatale. Or the formidable Bane, who can bring him out of the darkness of depression and return him to who he once was? They are all unique.

Meanwhile, our hero has returned. We left him in that cafĂ© in Florence and found him again a year ago in Matt Reeves’ The Batman, who, along with Robert Pattinson, gave us a “flying Edward” immersed in a Gothic Gotham both like the original and unlike the first. Christian Bale, like any American metropolis. Every time we see him in a different version, and each generation thinks that the real Batman is their own. But what is certain is that Bruce will remain an idol of any era.

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