Bella Hadid talks about being infected with Lyme disease

After the tales of Selena GomezJustin Bieber, Britney Spears, Kendall Jenner and many other stars, too Bella Hadid in recent months she has decided to reveal how her growing success as a supermodel has led her to a fragile state of psychophysical health.

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In this regard, after talking about his depression, Bella Hadid she also said she was suffering from Lyme disease since 2012, due to which in recent days she has also had a tooth infection (in the jaw area) which is causing her severe pain, as she herself said in a video posted on TikTok. “Please listen to your body!” she said Pretty inside the clip where she talks about the possible connection between the evil of these days and the disease that afflicts her. “My tooth problem has triggered Lyme which means that it is attacking the areas of my body that are suffering such as the tooth, jaw, brain, spine and bone area,” she explained. Hadid before adding that her and “entire nervous system” is under attack and that it is taking a toll on her.

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“Any minor trauma to the body, whether physical or mental, can cause Lyme to flare up. My jaw flares up and flares up randomly when I’m overly stressed or overworked,” continued Di’s sister. Gigi explaining how some days are decidedly more complex, difficult and tiring than others. Already in 2020, the model had spoken of the nearly 30 symptoms that she frequently experiences due to Lyme and which range from headaches to brain fog, to then move on to insomnia, dizziness, disorientation and anxiety. Without forgetting the muscle spasms, joint pains, swelling and difficulty walking that she Bella, former girlfriend of The Weekndhe admitted to face every day.

“I’ve been confronting them since I was 14, but more aggressively since I turned 18,” he wrote. Bella Hadid on Instagram bringing to light a very widespread problem that is still often kept silent today. “The truth is that it is an invisible disease,” the model concluded, today more than ever determined to share her pain with her followers in the hope that her words can make those who suffer feel a little less alone.

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