Beyoncé and Jay-Z buy a more expensive manzan from California for a 1 real note | Celebrity House

Beyoncé bought a $200 million mansion in Malibu Realtor/MLS

Beyoncé, 42, and Jay-Z, 53, are set to buy one of the largest pieces of architecture in the US: a roughly 2.7 million square meter building in northern Malibu, California, in the US. US for 200 million US dollars – or the equivalent of 1 billion reais, according to the current price.

Second or TMZIt is the most expensive home sold in California, surpassing the previous record of US$177 million (R$896 million). It is also the second most expensive real estate store in the country – the first to sell an apartment in New York, which costs US$238 million (R$1.2 billion).

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According to the author, Beyoncé and Jay-Z, in truth, it can be bought at home, and previously it could be sold at a sale for 295 million US dollars (1.4 billion reais). Located in the mountains and overlooking the Pacific Ocean, in the Paradise Bay area, also known as the “billionaire’s area.”

Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s new home had 7 quartos and 11 baneiros.

Beyoncé bought a house in Malibu, California for $200 million – Photo: Pacific Pervious Concrete

Beyoncé bought a house in Malibu, California for $200 million – Photo: Pacific Pervious Concrete

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