Black Mirror: Fans want to cancel their Netflix subscription

Season six Black mirror just premiered and Netflix subscribers are considering canceling after watching.”Joan is terrible“. Normally, Netflix cancels a show when viewers start thinking about ending a subscription, but not this time. Fans of the series are even unhappy with this episode of Black Mirror (there’s another one that seems downright nasty), but the actual story behind the episode has some wondering if Netflix’s cancellation wouldn’t be better for them in the long run. run. Not to be outdone, the Black Mirror episode “Joan is Terrible” is all about Netflix, so spoilers will follow.

At the beginning of Joan Terrible, we meet Joan Tate, an ordinary woman (played by Schitt’s Creek star Annie Murphy) with a life, a job, and secrets. After a day of having to publicly fire someone at work, she confessed to her therapist how bored she finds her boyfriend and even reconnected with an old crush to consider resuming their life together. However, when she gets home that evening, she and her fiancé are curled up on the couch watching Streamberry (Netflix’s version of Black Mirror), where they see a new show called Joan Terrible starring Salma Hayek. .

After debating whether it was true or a joke, they decide to watch it and see Salma Hayek playing a staged version of Joan’s real day in every detail. The next day, the same thing happens, only Joan visits her lawyer and finds out what’s going on. According to her lawyer, Streamberry (again, Netflix) is “authorized” to do so under the terms and conditions that Joan agreed to when she signed up for the service.

To test the limits of this service, Joan makes the wrong choice by eating many greasy hamburgers before drawing an inappropriate image on her face and crashing the wedding, where she defecates all over the church floor. After Selma Hayek does the same on the show, Joan starts to wonder what’s going on.

At the same time, after watching “Joan is Terrible”, Black Mirror fans considering canceling their Netflix subscriptionhoping the same thing doesn’t happen to them. The episode ends with the revelation that Streamberry intended to do this to get users to retain them because negative emotions cause more retention than anything else. The big final twist, however, is that the episode we’re seeing, starring Annie Murphy as Joan, is the version of the show that the real Joan, played by Kayla Lorette, was watching. It’s a big episode, but it got some Netflix users on their toes.

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