Blockchain: Lionel Messi Collaborates With Planet

In recent days, a video showing Argentine football star Lionel Messi participating in a movement called “Planet” has become increasingly popular, taking a side against pollution in the tech and blockchain world.

The presence of public figures in crypto and blockchain-themed advertising has been on the rise in recent years, which suggests that this marketing technique works to appeal to the general public.

let’s see all the details together

Collaboration with Lionel Messi and Planet Blockchain

Over the weekend, a reference appeared in many social media to a large black box that read “join the planetand signatures of superstars Lionel MessiWhich has created a lot of affinity among various supporters of the Argentine footballer.

Messi will in fact sponsor the “Planet” blockchain movement that aims to reduce pollution in the tech sector by addressing a range of social challenges.

The project aims to harness the power of technology to create a transparent and sustainable futureIn line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations Program

Messi’s portrait is essential to create a great media impact and showcase the values ​​of blockchain and green culture.

This partnership started going viral only in mid-June when the Argentina incident took place posted a video on instagram In which he is shown kicking a can marked “Pollution”, with a billboard in the distance inviting viewers to “Join the Planet” with Planet’s logo.

Following the last cryptic post, rumors have abounded about possible updates and programs by the Planet Blockchain movement, which include among other things a feature community token called PLANET,

The cryptocurrency, which ideally serves no other purpose than being part of this project, is listed on various centralized exchanges such as MEXC, BitGate,, Bitmart and Poloniex as well as decentralized platforms such as Uniswap and Pancakeswap.

PLANET is currently priced at $0.000061, with a market capitalization of $51M and a trading volume of $9M in the last 24 hours.

it’s about a Highly speculative crypto with no concrete useThe essence of which may reveal the real reason for the partnership between Lionel Messi and the Planet Blockchain movement.

Pay close attention to these shitkoi traders, because in 99% of cases their value resets to zero

The importance of the presence of public figures in support of the environment

Beyond the specific case of the Planet Blockchain movement and its more or less transparent goals, it is interesting to note how appearance of public figures Crypto-themed advertising like Lionel Messi has grown exponentially in recent years.

With the world of blockchain being so complex and arcane, it’s hard to imagine that the general public would embrace it without encouragement or an invitation from their favorite superstar.

acts as the latter gateway to break down access barriers For products based on cryptocurrencies, creating a fertile context for the growth of companies that choose these marketing strategies.

Even Lionel Messi’s main historical rival, Cristiano Ronaldo, is currently on the front lines to sponsor a blockchain company: in this case, however, it is not an irrelevant movement like Planet, but the giant Binance, which paid the Portuguese footballer. boost nft collection,

Let us tell you that the post made by Cristiano Ronaldo on Twitter has reached too far. 100,000 likes and almost 15,000 retweetsWith a wonderful connection.

Other public figures have also shown favors to various companies in the crypto and blockchain sector, apparently with a monetary proposition behind them.

These include, for example, the name of well-known actor Matt Damon, who walked super bowl commercials Led by the brand

However, it also happens that the appearance of celebrities in these contexts is viewed negatively by the crypto community, which does not like the spread of scam projects and scams related to cryptographic currencies.

Example of this is the case of Kim Kardashian who promoted this ponzi scheme ethereum max (EMAX) in June 2021.

In that case, US Models was paid $250,000 for the project, but was later fined $1.26 million by the SEC.

That’s not exactly a good deal for singer Kanye West’s girlfriend.

Generally, when it comes to sponsored advertisements by well-known TV personalities and sports superstars, there is always Be very careful as scams are in the air,

In the case of the Planet blockchain project and Lionel Messi’s media presence, we are simply paying attention because everything seems legit, adopting a philosophy of respect for the environment but at the same time condemning the exposure of some worthless tokens like Planet.

(tagstotranslate) lionel

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