Cali Mayor’s Office holds public hearing on early childhood, childhood and youth issues

The government of Dr. Jorge Iván Ospina Gómez held participatory public hearings in which he detailed the plans for the four-year period 2020-2023 based on the The results of the administration of Order 004 issued by the governor and mayor are released by the Office of the Attorney General.

The Mayor of Cali, Jorge Iván Ospina, highlighted the Parks of Life: San Fernando Technological Innovation Park and Corazon de Pans Park as his projects for boys, girls, adolescents and young adults the legacy left by people; the importance of having sports and cultural spaces, the State’s responsibility for their care, the provision and prioritization of programs for early childhood, children and youth, the content of government management and the challenges that arise.

Social Welfare Secretary María Fernanda Penilla Quintero said: “The Secretaries of the Office saw these indicators and the scale of the work we do for infancy, childhood and adolescence , we show how we have worked with them at different stages of birth, from gestation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, early childhood, adolescence, young adulthood. The resources invested, the achievements of existing programs and what we have done from government to the next municipal Messages passed over long distances are accounted for.”

Regarding the regional early childhood care system, Minister Pernilla stressed that “all guidelines, guidelines and actions that should be taken by any public or private entity caring for young children remain in force.” The task of this document is to carry out a study on the establishment of a staff , so that the direct attention of young children does not change or change with each administration, at least direct attention is guaranteed. In 2021, approval was obtained for future validity periods to overcome these shortcomings.

During the accountability period, the different mayoral institutions highlighted the most important achievements:

Sanitation Committee

From 2021 to 2023, the maternal mortality rate dropped from 51.1 to 21.3. Vaccination coverage (BCG, third dose of pentagram, triple virus, poliomyelitis, neonatal hepatitis B) exceeds 95%, the proportion of pregnant women entering prenatal care has increased from 73% to 89%, and at least 4 prenatal care Contrast. As of June 30, 2023, the total budget allocated by the Department of Health for the care of children, adolescents and young adults from 2020 to 2023 is P808 billion.

education secretary

7,459 young people benefited from the Todos y Todos a Estudios program, which works to provide young people from disadvantaged classes 1, 2 and 3 with better access to, and lasting education through strategic alliances with higher education institutions and Educational Quality Opportunities (IES), with an investment of $51,487,682,033.

In all official educational institutions, urban and rural areas, 100% of officially registered students are also guaranteed to receive morning/afternoon food supplements and single-day lunches throughout the school calendar. The amount invested from 2020 to March 2023 is $247,092,799,450.

Ministry of Social Welfare

It provides comprehensive care to 10,161 boys and girls aged 0 to 5 years in 136 Social Transformation Centers (UTS) without interruption. In addition, it qualifies 960 professionals annually and strengthens the physical and technical conditions at UTS, and supports inter-departmental and inter-agency communication to mobilize around early childhood rights, with investments between 2020 and 2023 to US$161,044,477,586.

COF’s seven Family Guidance Centers provide 6,859 family members with psychosocial and legal guidance aimed at preventing violence, resulting in an Administration-wide investment of $1,418,371,140.

120 children and young people at risk of child labor identified and approximately 1,000 trained to strengthen the campaign No child labor in California Seek to eradicate this scourge.

Similarly, between 2020 and 2023, a total of 3,361 boys, girls, adolescents and young adults received rights-restoring protective services in eight transitional homes, representing an investment of $15,268,827,006.

Through a training and support process focusing on promoting rights and participation in advisory committees; 620 children and young people were cared for during this process.

20 youth conferences and service fairs were organized within the framework of the Cuidate Ve strategy, impacting more than 2,000 people, both young people and the community at large.

Provide permanent support to participating institutions such as regional platforms and local youth platforms, district councils and youth organizations. Through the Talent as Opportunity strategy, 300 young people were trained and 165 young people were supported in their initiatives. The amount invested from 2020 to 2023 is US$3,412,247,133.

Housing Secretariat

It identifies boys, girls and adolescents as indirect beneficiaries because they belong to the putative family, and young people as direct beneficiaries because the services provided by the agency are specifically targeted at those over the age of eighteen. Between 2020 and 2022, 1,181 children and adolescents benefited indirectly through subsidy programs, the implementation of VIP and VIS housing projects and supported housing improvements, with an investment of US$10,586,766,110.

minister of security and justice

Through the Perla programme, interventions were carried out with young people aged 14 to 28 years old in nine communes to strengthen actions to prevent youth violence, including psychoeducation, community participation, training of trainers and inter-agency cooperation. Network.. Between 2021 and 2023, more than 2,815 young people have had the procedure, with an investment of $5,869,269,268.

The Families of Solidarity and Commitment (FUC) program at the Silo Justice Court raises awareness on the prevention of gender-based violence and femicide through a series of psychoeducational workshops. A total of 1,363 participants participated over the three periods, with $10,724,577,255 invested between 2020 and June 2023.

Regional Mobility Secretariat

It acts to promote the creation of a protective environment for the entire population, including boys, girls, adolescents and young people, to achieve mobility through control and regulation, secure infrastructure and the promotion of safe and protective behaviours. roads, reaching 137,000 beneficiaries with an investment of US$324,318,477.

minister of sports and recreation

Within the framework of the Cali Juega programme, it carries out interventions for the young population, pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as boys, girls and adolescents in child development centres, social transformation units and children’s homes, with a total of 14,307 beneficiaries, with an investment of $4,528,260,710.

Through the Semilleros Deportivos program, 57,672 boys, girls, adolescents and young people benefited from recreation and recreation activities, with an investment of US$27,222,781,955.

minister of culture

Approximately 61,600 through projects such as “Improving the promotion of cultural rights in early childhood,” “Expanding artistic expression in early childhood, pregnant and breastfeeding women,” and “Enhancing reading, writing, and speaking experiences for boys, girls, and pregnant and breastfeeding women.” people benefited, and the investment amount was US$765,784,422.

Secretariat for Peace and Civic Culture

Within the framework of Conpes 3673 2010, different levels of risk management (early prevention, emergency prevention and prevention in protection) for forced recruitment and all forms of use of boys, girls and adolescents were implemented, with the participation of 1000 people from the 1st boys, girls and adolescents in Tier 2, Communes 13, 14, 15 and 16, with an investment of US$ 2,189,041,262.

Through the Seedbed Constitution for Peace and Conflict Resolution, 8,524 boys, girls, adolescents and young people in educational institutions benefited, with an investment of US$4,400,044,435.

Exercising accountability is, in addition to being a responsibility, an opportunity to showcase your great achievements and successes; as well as the challenges that must be overcome while in power to comply with the guarantees of the rights of boys, girls, adolescents and young people.

The achievements achieved are in line with the indicators of the Advanced Supervision Model of the highest body of the Public Ministry and in line with the Cali United Life Development Plan 2020-2023 of the current government.

Ximena Romero C

Photo: Sebastian Garcia | Sebastian Garcia Cali Communications Mayor

Number of visits to this page 71

Release date October 17, 2023

Last modified: October 17, 2023

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