CAP gearing up for ‘hot’ autumn as vaccination program expands

this Nurse of Catalonia Primary Care Center (CAP), nail 5,700 (26,700 across the health system), they must invest this year There are more vaccines than ever before. he Vaccination schedule The season has expanded and nurses must receive all the vaccines they already receive each year, in addition to Also immune Influenza infection in children 6 to 59 months (5 years), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV, causes bronchiolitis) Infants under six months of age. In addition, two other vaccines were added last year: shingles vaccine for people ages 65 to 80 (not 65 to 80); human papilloma virus Sixth grade kids.

As the nurse from Lleida said, all this Pepi Estany, a member of vaccine advisory committee Members of the Department of Health and the Association of Home and Community Care (Aificc) involving “More work” because lack of health personnel. “There will be no reinforcements because we don’t have nurses. No nurse bag. we have a big problem Important for all types of professionals,” think.He looks at it philosophically, even though he knows this year is “The vaccination program has expanded significantly.”

When does the event start?

he 19th of this month The Salut Vaccine Advisory Committee will meet to, among other things, decide date This year’s flu and COVID vaccination campaigns. Since no decision has been made, What can you expect? “We have to vaccinate these people The same risk groups we have vaccinated Influenza – People over 60, immunosuppressed, nursing homes, health care workers, chronically ill patients.I don’t think it’s suitable for the coronavirus vaccine Total population”, Estany pointed out.

Estany believes that the current situation is “Very different” than at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak. “Nobody had any immunity then. Now, even if we lose immunity, we’re not that exposed He explained that he had “no idea” whether the general population would be affected by the virus as much as it was then. You must “revacculate.” “The general public Don’t get the flu vaccine Now we are in the same situation, Ever since COVID-19 became ‘the flu'”, View.

The Ministry of Health’s Public Health Committee has identified people over 60, health workers, public service personnel such as police or firefighters, and patients with chronic diseases to receive new doses next autumn and winter. This will be the fifth dose for people who strictly follow the health instructions (or the sixth dose if they are chronically ill), but the shot will be available to everyone who belongs to the target group, regardless of whether they have received a previous shot. or not (at least 5 months since last injection or infection)

This nurse believes drug companies will make it happen Vaccines with longer lasting immunity. “Because, if you don’t, someone will have to get vaccinated every year. Just like the flu,” he insisted.

SARS-CoV-2 is not a problem now inside primary care center Catalonia (CAP), despite Spain’s overall virus infection rate increasing by 70% last week. “It’s true that we’ve seen a lot more in the last month, but they’re very old people, they have some kind of illness, they have a fever, you do a test and it turns out it’s COVID-19.” However, Many young people have experienced The symptoms are mild and I haven’t even gone to CAP yet. “They just come those who need time off Because they feel worse,” he noted.

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