Carolina Herrera’s controversial criticism of mature women with long hair

fashion designer Carolina Herrera is known for dressing celebrities and royalty, and she has shared controversial views in the past on how women should approach adult life in style. One of his most controversial observations was about hair length with age.

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In a sensational 2018 interview published by the Daily Mail, the businesswoman also said: “Women should age gracefully and don’t try to look younger than their actual age, otherwise they will look ridiculous.”.

In her comments, she criticized women over 50 who choose to grow their hair long and advised against wearing short skirts or jeans.

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Herrera insists that at a certain age, most women look better with short hair and considers shoulder-length hair unflattering. However, she admires those who embrace gray hair and let their hair naturally dye silver or white. Although attracted to the style, she expressed reservations about it, commenting: “I’d love to do it, but I don’t like the idea of ​​an in-between stage.”

The designer believes that sophistication and style include accepting wrinkles and gray hair without resorting to extreme methods. This often produces unnatural results. Although she admits to using Botox in the past, she stresses the importance of keeping her style choices authentic as she gets older.

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Instead of blindly following fashion trends, the businesswoman advises, embrace your own personal style and adjust it over time, rather than falling into the trap of following trends and looking “cookie-cutter.”

For women who want to grow their hair after the age of 40, they must take good care of it. This includes regular conditioning and measures to protect it from environmental damage. Consulting a trusted stylist to determine the best haircut based on your hair type and age is a great place to start.

Carolina Herrera founded her eponymous brand in her forties, and her career has shown that it’s never too late to reinvent yourself. As we age, it becomes necessary to tailor our style to our lives and personal preferences, taking into account comfort, practicality and confidence in our style choices.

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*This content was rewritten with the help of artificial intelligence based on information published by El Universal and reviewed by reporters and editors.

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